Sounds like a great database application, actually.

John Parker

> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Holloway [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 8:58 AM
> Subject:      Reading specific data from a .txt file into PHP
> Hi all,
> I'm attempting to write a weather script, which will display weather
> conditions for areas in the UK.
> I have the data I need, which is stored in a file on another server.   The
> data comes in the format:
> 2001/01/16 13:50
> 2001/01/16 13:46
> CYGL 161346Z 34004KT 15SM -SN BKN011 BKN030 RMK SF6SC1
> Where the first four characters below the dates are 4 letter codes for
> cities (the script will be using metar(aviation) readings) and the rest is
> the actual weather information.
> The trouble is, that there are about 3000 cities in the text file.  I'm
> assuming that I fill use fopen(); and fread(); to open and read the files,
> but does anyone know of a way of singling out one line (say:
> CYGL 161346Z 34004KT 15SM -SN BKN011 BKN030 RMK SF6SC1
> ) from the whole text file?  Like if a variable, $city = CYGL, is it
> possible to then go to that one line in the text file and read all the
> information from just one line?  I'm pretty confident I could then split
> the
> information up into readable variable using the split(); function :)
> Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give,
> James.

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