> You probably want to suppress the error message with an @ symbol.  Try
> putting an "@" before the function calls that give you errors.

you want to avoid doing that, I recommend properly handling the error.

> <?php
> $x = @php_function_here();
> ?>
> This suppresses the error function.  Many functions return FALSE if
> unsuccessful, so you can test and supply your own error message.

better to write a handler to deal with your errors properly.

> <?php
> if ($x == FALSE) {
> print ("error.");
> }
> ?>
> If you find yourself doing this alot, you may want to create a wrapper
> function or wrapper class around the original.  Look at PHPLIB's DB_SQL
> class for an example of how they suppress error messages.  Look at
> www.php.net for more info.

or have a look at binarycloud: http://www.binarycloud.com



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