>Due to the sheer size of my mailing list, it would seems sensible to try
streamlining the send -mailing script I run.
>In PERL I think the command to split the sending proccess was "fork", where
the script launches a new command allowing >the script to continue on while
each person is emailed.
>Do any of you know of a similar technique in PHP 4+ ?

You could dink around with exec() and & and shell scripts and get PHP to
fork a sendmail for each email, but that's not going to gain you a whole
lot, really...  I mean, sendmail itself is a pretty big program to run.

Way better to spew your email direct to port 25 (SMTP).

Of course, that would require that your read all those gnarly RFCs and
stuff...  Except there are already user-contributed libraries of functions
and classes to do this :-)

Try Manuel Lemos email class, for one.

There's still an upper bound on how much email PHP can handle, and it does
not approach a custom mailing list program...  If you are not customizing
each email, you should also consider just integrating with majordomo, ezmlm,
smartlist, etc.

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