Hello Rudy, 

(RM == "Rudy McDaniel") [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RM> Anyone have any ideas on how to make a function reset every
RM> 24-hours? For example, I have a function that grabs a random quote
RM> from a file and selects a new one every time the page is reloaded.
RM> What I want, however, is for the quote to remain the same for a
RM> day and then reset at some specified time (say midnight) and grab
RM> a new random quote for the next day. It seems like their should be
RM> any easy way to do this using mktime( ) or a similar function but
RM> I'm not fully grasping it. Any ideas on how to do this would be
RM> much appreciated.

Why not just make cron (once a day) read the quotes file, pick a
random line, write the quote to a file called quoteoftheday.php, then
just include() that file into your page?

Unless you're running this one a windows machine.. in that case you
might be able to do the same thing with some scheduler instead of
cron, I'm not sure.

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