Hi Brinkman,!
On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Brinkman, Theodore wrote:

> Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm thinking it's giving the correct
> output.
> The 'TEXT' that is showing up just seems to be some sort of indication as to
> what type of data it found.
> ELEMENT catalog                       //the parser found an element named
> 'catalog'
>   TEXT                                //the element 'catalog' is of type TEXT
>     content=                  //it had no content of its own
>     ELEMENT category          //inside it found an element named
> 'category'
>       ATTRIBUTE id            //'category' has an attribute named 'id'
>         TEXT                  //  the attribute 'id' is of type TEXT
>           content=db          //  the attribute 'id' has a value of 'db'
>       ATTRIBUTE name          //'category' has an attribute named 'name'
>         TEXT                  //  the attribute 'name' is of type TEXT
>           content=Databases   //  the attribute 'name' has a value of
> 'Databases'
>       TEXT                            //the element 'category' is of type
> [...]                                 //[...]
> Somebody who knows better please correct me if I'm wrong.
Point made! xmllint gives +1 but the first found node looks like:
[result of print_r ($node) ]

DomNode Object
    [name] => text
    [content] => 

    [node] => Resource id #3
    [type] => 3

I don't get it why `name' is `text'. Maybe I should file a bug report.
Just wanted to be sure it's not me being wrong.

> Hey,
> I've been playing w/ DOM functions (not very documented, but cool :)
> and had the following:
> [categories.xml]
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <catalog>
>         <category id="db" name="Databases">
>                 <topic>
>                   <name>MySQL</name>
>                   <description>MySQL Manual</description>
>                 </topic>
>                 <topic>
>                   <name>PostgreSQL</name>
>                   <description>PostgreSQL Manuals</description>
>                 </topic>
>         </category>
>  </catalog>
> [xmltest.php]
> <?php
> header ('Content-Type: text/plain');
> $doc  = new DomDocument();
> $node = new DomNode();
> $doc  = xmldocfile ('categories.xml');
> $root = $doc->root();
> $cats = $root->children();
> $node = $cats[0];
> print_r ($node->name);
> It outputs "text" and I would expect "Databases".
> running xmllint gives:
> [teo@teo xml]$ xmllint --debug categories.xml 
> version=1.0
> URL=categories.xml
> standalone=true
>   ELEMENT catalog
>     TEXT
>       content=
>     ELEMENT category
>       ATTRIBUTE id
>         TEXT
>           content=db
>       ATTRIBUTE name
>         TEXT
>           content=Databases
>       TEXT
> [...]
> Any idea what's wrong?
-- teodor

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