php-general Digest 23 Jan 2001 18:35:37 -0000 Issue 472

Topics (messages 36144 through 36241):

Profanity Filter?
        36144 by: Colin Kane
        36146 by: Richard Lynch

Re: What "PHP" Stands For....
        36145 by: Richard Lynch

check null value
        36147 by: Jacky.lilst
        36155 by: CC Zona
        36176 by: Cal Evans

Re: Does PHP works with Netscape Web Server or IPlanet? ??
        36148 by: "Aguilar Peña, Javier"

Re: url hide
        36149 by: Kristofer Widholm
        36154 by: Tim Ward
        36156 by: Jørg V. Bryne
        36160 by: Harsono Ismail
        36178 by: Sander Pilon

Re: Search Engines and PHP
        36150 by: Kristofer Widholm
        36151 by: Ernest E Vogelsinger
        36172 by: Christian Reiniger
        36174 by: Sander Pilon

very basic help on query and db issue
        36152 by: Jacky.lilst
        36158 by: Pascal Clerin

Re: DBase functions
        36153 by: Tim Ward

Funny php://stdout behaviour
        36157 by: ARTEK

Re: HTTP_USER_AGENT and preg_match
        36159 by: Teodor Cimpoesu

RC4 Encryption / Decryption Class
        36161 by: Mukul Sabharwal

Non-existant folders??
        36162 by: Adrian Murphy
        36177 by: Cal Evans
        36190 by: Sebastian Stadtlich
        36191 by: Robin Vickery

multple select forms... going to hit my head against a wall ..
        36163 by:
        36168 by: Adrian Murphy
        36173 by:
        36180 by: Jon Haworth
        36181 by: Adrian Murphy
        36182 by:
        36184 by: Jon Haworth
        36185 by: Jørg V. Bryne

help!!! (PHP)
        36164 by: Bruno Freire
        36166 by: Kees Hoekzema
        36195 by: Joe Stump

apache doubt!!!!
        36165 by: Bruno Freire
        36167 by: Jon Haworth
        36223 by: Thierry Coopman

Does anybody know how to setup PHP on a iPlanet Web Server (or Netscape Web 
Server)???? HEELPPP
        36169 by: "Aguilar Peña, Javier"

Getting warning using split
        36170 by: Matt Williams
        36175 by: Brian Clark
        36192 by: Steve Edberg

Sorry! Help needed!
        36171 by: Anna
        36194 by: Joe Stump
        36205 by: Tim McGuire

passing arrays via forms ..
        36179 by:
        36183 by: Neil Kimber

Turning off scrollbar
        36186 by:
        36187 by: Jon Haworth
        36189 by: Brian Clark

sleep and usleep not working ??
        36188 by: Benny Nissen
        36217 by: Benny Nissen

IMAP - attachment-information
        36193 by: Jochen Kächelin
        36209 by: Chris Adams

Possible Sybase Bug
        36196 by: Shaun Thomas

Deleting all cookies so matter where they were set
        36197 by: Noah Spitzer-Williams
        36214 by:

ID value
        36198 by: Robert Morrissey
        36199 by: Sam Masiello

Newbie frustration!
        36200 by: Gerry
        36206 by: mick
        36216 by: Gawain Reifsnyder
        36237 by: Gerry

Maximum execution time
        36201 by: Liam Gibbs
        36210 by: Chris Adams
        36211 by: Delbono

Re: SSH file transfers
        36202 by: Jirka Kosek

installing and using PEAR
        36203 by: Dean Hall

Re: DocBook Editors?
        36204 by: Jirka Kosek

Re: XML Processing Instruction ( was " <? PHP vs. <?" )
        36207 by: Jirka Kosek

Failed to write session data (files)
        36208 by: bill

png files loosing color depth
        36212 by: Liam Hoekenga
        36233 by: Matt McClanahan

        36213 by: Alastair Binns

        36215 by: Bruno Freire
        36221 by: Robert Collins

Sybase Mysql 3.23 issues.
        36218 by: Shaun Thomas

non-php related question.
        36219 by: Jason Jacobs
        36220 by: Kurth Bemis

Shared Memory with Yast-installed mod_php4 from SuSE.
        36222 by: Thomas Weber

PHP_SELF - silly question
        36224 by: Larry Hotchkiss

"Authenticating" across sites/servers
        36225 by: Boget, Chris
        36227 by: Michael Kimsal
        36230 by: Boget, Chris
        36231 by: Andrew Hill
        36239 by: Boget, Chris
        36240 by: Alexander Wagner
        36241 by: Kyle Jerviss

Parse error
        36226 by: Liam Gibbs
        36228 by: Liam Gibbs
        36229 by: Matt Williams

Re: timeout of management session
        36232 by: Simon Chambers

Filereference and require()
        36234 by: Rasmus Resen Amossen

Waring message for FTP
        36235 by: Simon Chambers
        36238 by: Matthew Mundy

Session problems
        36236 by: Jimmy Bäckström


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does anyone know where i can find a script that removes profanity and
replaces them with a character (****)?
my boos just came down on me because i told him we already had one, but
apparently it doesnt work.

> does anyone know where i can find a script that removes profanity and
> replaces them with a character (****)?
> my boos just came down on me because i told him we already had one, but
> apparently it doesnt work.

There was a thread just a few days ago on this forum about this...

So, search the archives for really good answers first.

Probably the first question you have to ask yourself is where/when to
filter?  On input, before output, some other weird time?

The filter itself is fairly simple.  You get your $words from somewhere,
like a database or file or maybe you could put a hidden microphone in the
PHB's office.  That way, you'd have the words he's most likely to try when
he tests your filter. :-)

Then, you iterate through that list of words and do something not unlike

while (list(,$word) = each($nasties)){
    $text = pregi_replace($word, '&%#@$^', $text);

Odds are really good I got the pregi_replace arguments wrong -- I usually
do, and then I have to go read

> > Anyway, I only know what I read - I got to the scene to late to actually
> > know this stuff first hand... hope this helps... and if someone who
> > was on the scene back then cares to comment/correct me, please do ;)
> I sort of do.  ;)

LOL :-)

> tools for personal home pages, that meaning was also dropped.  A name vote
> ensued and all the proposed names sucked, so this PHP: Hypertext
> Preprocessor name was deemed to suck the least.  So that's where we are.

Last time I checked, about six months ago?, if you dug around on you could still find the old survey and the various
suggestions that sucked worse than PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

Students of history may wish to dig for that and archive it somewhere.
Students of profanity, ditto :-)

Be patient with me -- DSL died a few hours before store time, natch.
Don't miss the Zend Web Store's Grand Opening on January 23, 2001!
Wanna help me out?  Like Music?  Buy a CD:
Volunteer a little time:

If I have one input text box that when it is submitted to next page, I want to check 
first if it is nothing, then write "na" on next page, else just echo whatever it is, 
is it correct to do this?

if ($fieldname == ""){
$fieldname ="na";
(then come to the html bit below)
<td><?php echo $fieldname ?></td>

I wonder specificly about the check if it is null part if it is corerct. Any thoughts?
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for yourself"

In article <019301c08581$e9504080$6400a8c0@alsmpdc>, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Jacky@lilst") wrote:

> If I have one input text box that when it is submitted to next page, I want 
> to check first if it is nothing, then write "na" on next page, else just 
> echo whatever it is, is it correct to do this?
> if (empty($fieldname)){
> $fieldname ="na";
> }

You might also want to throw in a check for !isset($fieldname), either 
before the check for empty() or concurrent with it.


I would try:

if (isset($fieldname) && empty($fieldname)){
  // do something here with the variable
} else {
}  // if (isset($fieldname) && empty($fieldname))


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacky@lilst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 3:18 PM
Subject: [PHP] check null value

If I have one input text box that when it is submitted to next page, I want
to check first if it is nothing, then write "na" on next page, else just
echo whatever it is, is it correct to do this?

if ($fieldname == ""){
$fieldname ="na";
(then come to the html bit below)
<td><?php echo $fieldname ?></td>

I wonder specificly about the check if it is null part if it is corerct. Any
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for

I setup IPlanet Web Server Enterprise Edition 4.1 on a PC. I've got an
example of PHP which is the one I'm using to test it. When it should execute
the php file called from the main page it seems to download it instead of
executing it. It all worked right with IIS and PWS. The PHP extension es
linked to PHP.EXE, but.....sorry...could you tell me how to setup Shell CGI
directories...?? I'm quite new in all this. When I fill the CGI field on
iPlanet I get a Doctor Watson error, so what am I doing wrong? Why does it
work on PWS and fails with iPlanet??

Thank you all for your help.

> -----Mensaje original-----
> De:   Steve Edberg [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Enviado el:   lunes 22 de enero de 2001 18:19
> Para: Aguilar Peña, Javier; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Asunto:       Re: RV: [PHP] Does PHP works with Netscape Web Server or
> IPlanet???
> At 1:36 PM +0100 1/22/01, Aguilar Peña, Javier wrote:
> >It's me again..... I've tried with IIS and PWS and everithing ok...but
> not
> >with Netscaspe which is the one I need.
> I assume you're talking about Netscape on Windows? If so, yes it runs 
> fine, but only as a CGI - I used to have that setup until I moved to 
> an Apache/PHP module configuration. Off the top of my head, I had
>       (1) set up Windows file associations to associate .php 
> extension with PHP.exe
>       (2) created Shell CGI directories for all my php scripts
> There was a better way that someone had come up with that avoided 
> step (1) by editing the mimetypes.conf (?) file and associating the 
> php extension with the php executable within Netscape, but I can't 
> remember that method offhand - it's been a while.
> Also, if you're looking for Netscape on Unix information, there used 
> to be a website that explained how to compile PHP to run as a NSAPI 
> module; unfortunately, that URL disappeared. I could dig up that info 
> for you anyway, if you're interested.
> Lastly, I believe that PHP4 comes with experimental NSAPI support; 
> check or
>       - steve
> >Thanks again.
> >
> >>  -----Mensaje original-----
> >>  De:       Aguilar Peña, Javier
> >>  Enviado el:       lunes 22 de enero de 2001 13:31
> >>  Para:     '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> >>  Asunto:   [PHP] Does PHP works with Netscape Web Server or IPlanet???
> >>
> >>  Does PHP works with Netscape Web Server or IPlanet???
> >>  If it does.....HOW????
> >>
> >>  Thanks
> -- 
> +--- "They've got a cherry pie there, that'll kill ya" ------------------+
> | Steve Edberg                           University of California, Davis |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               Computer Consultant |
> |         |
> +-------------------------------------- FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper ---+

To follow up:

This is definitely the most low-tech (read reliable) way to do it.
Just to clarify what Jørg is saying, create a frameset with two
horizontal frames. The upper frame should be set to a height of "0",
or "*", whatever your preference. The bottom frame should be given a
height of "100%". Turn off borders etc. on your frames, and the
casual user will not see any indication that there is a frameset. You
can also use this technique to maintain JavaScript state between
pages -- letting the upper frame store the objects values as you move
around from page to page.  But this should definitely cloak the true
nature of the URL that is being seen.

However, be aware that people will have problems with bookmarks to
these pages. You can, if you want, create a "self-framing" javascript
around bottom frame, such that if the bottom frame is loaded outside
the cloaking frameset, it creates a frameset from scratch around
itself. That's most elegant.


At 11.40 +0100 01-01-22, Jørg V. Bryne poked the keyboard as follows:
>I saw this done with a frameset recently. The domain had a frameset
>which opened the real page (at ) in a frame.
>----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 11:30 AM
>Subject: [PHP] url hide
>>  Perhaps not related to php but I was wandering, is it possible to hide
>>  site's real url and replace it with something else (some other URL).  ie.
>>  someone clicks on a link on which takes the user to an
>>  designated area (ie. /house-search/) on  I want
>>  the user still to see This is just for aesthetic reasons
>>  since ones the user finishes the search for houses (on
>  > he/she will return to

Kristofer Widholm
Web Pharmacy
191 Grand Street, Brooklyn  NY  11211

Surely you can't hide the url the browser requests. the best you can do is
hide where that browser gets it's content from ... why not include()?

        Tim Ward
        Senior Systems Engineer

Please refer to the following disclaimer in respect of this message:

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 22 January 2001 10:31
> Subject: url hide
> Perhaps not related to php but I was wandering, is it 
> possible to hide 
> site's real url and replace it with something else (some 
> other URL).  ie. 
> someone clicks on a link on which takes the user to an 
> designated area (ie. /house-search/) on  I want 
> the user still to see This is just for 
> aesthetic reasons 
> since ones the user finishes the search for houses (on 
> he/she will return to 
> I have tried but no success??
> Thanks
> Ajdin

If you include a forreign url using the fopen etc. functions you must parse
and alter all urls. A nightmare...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 10:09 AM
Subject: [PHP] RE: url hide

> Surely you can't hide the url the browser requests. the best you can do is
> hide where that browser gets it's content from ... why not include()?
> Tim Ward
> Senior Systems Engineer
> Please refer to the following disclaimer in respect of this message:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: 22 January 2001 10:31
> > Subject: url hide
> >
> >
> > Perhaps not related to php but I was wandering, is it
> > possible to hide
> > site's real url and replace it with something else (some
> > other URL).  ie.
> > someone clicks on a link on which takes the user to an
> > designated area (ie. /house-search/) on  I want
> > the user still to see This is just for
> > aesthetic reasons
> > since ones the user finishes the search for houses (on
> > he/she will return to
> >
> > I have tried but no success??
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Ajdin
> >
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> > >
> > > Perhaps not related to php but I was wandering, is it
> > > possible to hide
> > > site's real url and replace it with something else (some
> > > other URL).  ie.
> > > someone clicks on a link on which takes the user to an
> > > designated area (ie. /house-search/) on  I want
> > > the user still to see This is just for
> > > aesthetic reasons
> > > since ones the user finishes the search for houses (on
> > > he/she will return to
> > >
> > > I have tried but no success??

you can use frame for doing this. for advanced people still can see the url but
not newbie

> > > > Perhaps not related to php but I was wandering, is it
> > > > possible to hide
> > > > site's real url and replace it with something else (some
> > > > other URL).  ie.
> > > > someone clicks on a link on which takes the
> user to an
> > > > designated area (ie. /house-search/) on  I want
> > > > the user still to see This is just for
> > > > aesthetic reasons
> > > > since ones the user finishes the search for houses (on
> > > > he/she will return to
> > > >
> > > > I have tried but no success??
> you can use frame for doing this. for advanced people still can
> see the url but not newbie

It just makes me wonder how 'advanced' you need to be to right click and
select 'view properties'.
(Or a similar simple action when using netrape)

A frame also has some drawbacks, most important one being that a user,
wherever he is on your site, always bookmarks the frame. It's something that
would piss me off :) (Making me work, right click to find the real url I
want to bookmakr, etc.)

DHTML can do something like you want, but its complicated and not standard.
(You can load the contents of URL A in a hidden frame, then replace the
contents of the current document with the contents of the hidden frame.)

Just forget about the whole idea already, each individual page should have
an unique url, and that's the way it's supposed to be.


>If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
>url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables for the pages
>you want to have the searchengine spider.

How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables, 
cookies, or POST variables?


Kristofer Widholm
Web Pharmacy
191 Grand Street, Brooklyn  NY  11211

At 09:23 23.01.2001, Kristofer Widholm said:
>>If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
>>url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables for the pages
>>you want to have the searchengine spider.
>How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables, 
>cookies, or POST variables?

You could, for example, use a 404 handler. Assume your site,, has an existing virtual directory /myapp. However this
directory is empty, and directory browsing id forbidden. For this folder
you setup a 404 handler that will be called by the web server whenever a
folder or page cannot be found.

Then you format your urls like this:<PHPSESSID>/<theapp>.php/param1/param2/param3/

This URL does not exist and will be passed to the 404 handler. Within the
404 handler, parse the url, extract the session id and parameters, and
execute the <theapp>.php file.

Just as an example,


   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
    ^     ICQ#   13394035

On Tuesday 23 January 2001 09:23, Kristofer Widholm wrote:
> >If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on
> > the url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables for
> > the pages you want to have the searchengine spider.
> How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables,
> cookies, or POST variables?

Search for an article called "Writing dynamic pages with 
search engines in mind" or so.

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (

This is JohnC IMHO, I compaired tri-word groupings here and in his plan
and got a good match.

- /. posting discussing the likelihood that an AC post that claimed to be
posted by John Carmack during his honeymoon (and having the login info at
home) was actually from him.

> >If you want to be totally searchengine-safe, do not use variables on the
> >url, do not rely on cookies and do not rely on POST variables
> for the pages
> >you want to have the searchengine spider.
> How the heck do you build a dynamic site without URL variables,
> cookies, or POST variables?
> Kristofer

One way would be to use the url path.


You fool the searchengine, it thinks 'script.php' is a directory and its
getting a file called 'php', but actually you're calling 'script.php' with
'/these/are/variables/passed/to/php' as parameters.

Hi people,
I apologize that this question might not be quite relevant to the list purpose and it 
is more to do with mysql though. But I thought it is quite basic problem that no so 
complex db issue so I just give it a go. Anyway, get into my problem.

I have a table as shown below and when I tried to run the query ( direct at Mysql db, 
not from a php page) :
INSERT INTO Hoteldetail  VALUES ('test', 'thai', 'thai', '12', '11', '124', '', 
'firstname', 'LastName', 'RoomProvided', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
 I got an error said:"ERROR 1136: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1"

| Field                 | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| HotelID               | bigint(20) unsigned |      | PRI | 0       | auto_increment |
| HotelName             | varchar(30)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| HotelLocation         | varchar(30)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| HotelCountry          | varchar(20)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| HotelPostcode         | varchar(10)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| HotelTelephone        | varchar(20)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| Hotelfax              | varchar(20)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| HotelURL              | varchar(30)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| HotelContactFirstName | varchar(20)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| HotelContactLastName  | varchar(30)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| HotelRoomProvided     | int(10)             | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| HotelEmail            | varchar(70)         | YES  |     | NULL    |                |


what have I done wrong at the table?
"There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for yourself"


Your table have 12 columns, and you are trying to insert without specify in which 
columns, in sort that you should insert 12 values.
INSERT INTO Hoteldetail (HotelName,HotelLocation, HotelCountry, HotelPostcode, 
HotelTelephone,Hotelfax,HotelURL, HotelContactFirstName, HotelContactLastName, 
HotelRoomProvided, HotelEmail) VALUES ('test', 'thai', 'thai', '12', '11', '124', '', 
'firstname', 'LastName', 'RoomProvided', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

> ******************************************************************
> I have a table as shown below and when I tried to run the query ( direct at Mysql 
>db, not from a php page) :
> INSERT INTO Hoteldetail  VALUES ('test', 'thai', 'thai', '12', '11', '124', '', 
>'firstname', 'LastName', 'RoomProvided', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
>  I got an error said:"ERROR 1136: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1"
> | Field                 | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra         
> |
> | HotelID               | bigint(20) unsigned |      | PRI | 0       | 
>auto_increment |
> | HotelName             | varchar(30)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | HotelLocation         | varchar(30)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | HotelCountry          | varchar(20)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | HotelPostcode         | varchar(10)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | HotelTelephone        | varchar(20)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | Hotelfax              | varchar(20)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | HotelURL              | varchar(30)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | HotelContactFirstName | varchar(20)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | HotelContactLastName  | varchar(30)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | HotelRoomProvided     | int(10)             | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> | HotelEmail            | varchar(70)         | YES  |     | NULL    |               
> |
> **************************************************
> what have I done wrong at the table?
> cheers
> Jack
> "There is nothing more rewarding than reaching the goal you set for yourself"
Get your free email from

I was trying to get dBase functions to work a couple of months ago. I
activated the relevant line in php.ini (i can't remember which and I can't
access the php.ini at the moment) which should have worked. I had to take it
back out again as every php page hit was generating an error on the dll
(php_dbase.dll?) saying it wasn't a recognised resource or somesuch.

I asked the list but got no response. If the dBase facility simply doesn't
work it would be nice to know.

I'm now using MySQL but our back office systems are still in dBase so an
answer would still be helpful.

Sorry not to answer your question very well. If you can get it to work
please let me know how.

        Tim Ward
        Senior Systems Engineer

Please refer to the following disclaimer in respect of this message:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Piotr Duszynski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 22 January 2001 12:38
> Subject: DBase functions
> I have a problem connecting to dbase database. I use:
> dbase_open("filename.dbf",0) and get from PHP:
> Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function 
> dbase_open() in ...
> What's the problem?
> -- 
>                                               Piotr Duszynski

When calling the php4 code below, sometimes the browser receives 
-the "HTML estandar text" 
-sometimes the "Text generated from PHP" (but NEVER both!)
-and ocassionaly the error:
"Warning: fopen("php://stdout","w") - Bad file descriptor in
/home/sites/site74/web/_proc/pruebas/stdout-test.php on line 7
unable to open device"

<p>HTML estandar text</p>

  $fd = fopen ("php://stdout", "w") or die("unable to open device");
  fwrite ($fd, "\nText generated from PHP");
  fclose ($fd);

<p>HTML estandar text...</p>


You can test in
(reload several times to see results).

Can you help? Thanks a lot. Ruben.

Hi John!
On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, John Hinsley wrote:

> Got it in the end. It should be:
> <snip>
> if  ((preg_match("/Mozilla/i", "$agent")) && (preg_match("/Gecko/i",
> "$agent")))  {
>       $result = "You are using Netscape 6 or a later version of Mozilla.";
> <snip>
> But the thought occurs that there must be a site out there somewhere
> which lists the HTTP_USER_AGENT tags for *all* browsers?
I've got a nice browsecap.ini file from
You can then simply use get_browser() [ listed under Miscellaneous functions]

-- teodor


I've attempted to add RC4 encryption / decryption
facility in PHP. It's been tested on PHP4.

It handles all the XORing and conversions while
encrypting and decrypting also all urlencoding and
decoding. It's been pretty fast also.

I've written a tutorial on it, whatever it is :

It can be downloaed in TAR's and ZIP's from
PHPClasses, or from

Check Out for more goodies!

To find out more about me :
My bookmarks are available @

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices.

I'm creating a little app whereby people will be able to create a simple
site for themselves (maybe 10 html pages).
here's the problem:
say their company is called "companyname" and my site is called
"" i'd like their site to be located at


Is there a way i can do this without creating indivual folders for each
company.I'd like the whole creation process to be automated.
I'm sure the ftp functions in php would allow for the generation of new
folders for each,but since all content/style etc. will be pulled from a DB
it's seems to me a little pointless having all these folders with the same
php page in each.essentially i'd like a php script to run automatically each
time taking what looks like a folder name and making a call to the db using
this name as a variable.
easy,difficult or impossible?

Yes, it can be done.

No it's not easy.

No, it's not advisable.

Mixing content like that is a recipe for disaster.

If you feel you absolutely must do it without creating dirs, consider
putting the content of the pages in a database.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Murphy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 5:32 AM
Subject: [PHP] Non-existant folders??

I'm creating a little app whereby people will be able to create a simple
site for themselves (maybe 10 html pages).
here's the problem:
say their company is called "companyname" and my site is called
"" i'd like their site to be located at


Is there a way i can do this without creating indivual folders for each
company.I'd like the whole creation process to be automated.
I'm sure the ftp functions in php would allow for the generation of new
folders for each,but since all content/style etc. will be pulled from a DB
it's seems to me a little pointless having all these folders with the same
php page in each.essentially i'd like a php script to run automatically each
time taking what looks like a folder name and making a call to the db using
this name as a variable.
easy,difficult or impossible?

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


you can do that by assigning custom error pages if you use apache.
if you have access to the hhtp.conf place this in it :

ErrorDocument 404 /redirect.php

is you can't access httpd.conf you can hope that you are allowed to
overide it by a .htaccess....

in redirect.php you need to parse the $REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URI
to know what the user wanted to see.....
also you have to send a header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");. otherwise
apache will ad 404 by itself an IE will display it's stupid
own errormessages....


> Hi,
> I'm creating a little app whereby people will be able to 
> create a simple
> site for themselves (maybe 10 html pages).
> here's the problem:
> say their company is called "companyname" and my site is called
> "" i'd like their site to be located at
> ""
> Is there a way i can do this without creating indivual 
> folders for each
> company.I'd like the whole creation process to be automated.
> I'm sure the ftp functions in php would allow for the 
> generation of new
> folders for each,but since all content/style etc. will be 
> pulled from a DB
> it's seems to me a little pointless having all these folders 
> with the same
> php page in each.essentially i'd like a php script to run 
> automatically each
> time taking what looks like a folder name and making a call 
> to the db using
> this name as a variable.
> easy,difficult or impossible?
> thanx,
> adrian
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: 

>>>>> "AM" == "Adrian Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > Hi, I'm creating a little app whereby people will be able to create
 > a simple site for themselves (maybe 10 html pages).  here's the
 > problem: say their company is called "companyname" and my site is
 > called "" i'd like their site to be located at

 > ""

 > Is there a way i can do this without creating indivual folders for
 > each company.I'd like the whole creation process to be automated.
 > I'm sure the ftp functions in php would allow for the generation of
 > new folders for each,but since all content/style etc. will be
 > pulled from a DB it's seems to me a little pointless having all
 > these folders with the same php page in each.essentially i'd like a
 > php script to run automatically each time taking what looks like a
 > folder name and making a call to the db using this name as a
 > variable.  easy, difficult or impossible?  thanx, adrian


It Depends on your web server. If you're using Apache then you can
do it with a few lines in your config file using mod_rewrite.

Something similar to:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteRule ^/([^/]+)/(.*) /scripts/$2 [E=companyname:$1]

Which given a url such as 
should (I've not tested it) call /scripts/index.php with the
environment variable 'companyname' set to 'mycompany'. You then
use this in all your SQL queries.


Robin Vickery...............................................
Planet-Three,  3A West Point, Warple Way, London, W3 0RG, UK
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Phone: +44 (0)870 729 5444

Hi all 

I'm having a slight little problem .. I can't seem to solve.. 

I have a multiple select form .. that i select mutiple options from and then it 
creates a variable called $select
now if I display $select .. I only get the last selected value .. here foloows test 

if ($select==""){
<form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
<Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
<Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
<Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
<Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
<Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
<Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">


  print $select;


I'm de missing something ... can sombody please lend a hand .. thanks 

Henti Smith 

since u are slecting multiple options you'll have to use an array
here's how.i u need explanation,feel free to mail me:

if ($select==""){
<form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
<Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
<Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
<Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
<Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
<Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
<Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">


    ///count array
 $num = count($select);

file://loop through array
 for($i = 0;$i <$num;$i++){
  print $select[$i] . "<br>";
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:42 AM
Subject: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against a wall

> Hi all
> I'm having a slight little problem .. I can't seem to solve..
> I have a multiple select form .. that i select mutiple options from and
then it creates a variable called $select
> now if I display $select .. I only get the last selected value .. here
foloows test code..
> <?
> if ($select==""){
>   print"
> <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> </select><br>
> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> </form>
>   ";
> }else{
>   print $select;
> }
> ?>
> I'm de missing something ... can sombody please lend a hand .. thanks
> Henti Smith
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having soved this .. thanks .. now for the next question .. *grin* 

I have the $select ... but I only use it on the next page .. heheh
so I'm trying the following ..

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select\" value=\"$select\">

which of course doens't work .. nor does 

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select[]" value=\"$select\">

any idea on how to pass an array on in an input field in a form ? 


On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 12:01:40PM -0000, Adrian Murphy wrote:
> hey,
> since u are slecting multiple options you'll have to use an array
> here's how.i u need explanation,feel free to mail me:
> <?
> if ($select==""){
>   print"
> <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select[]\">
> <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> </select><br>
> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> </form>
>   ";
> }else{
>     ///count array
>  $num = count($select);
> file://loop through array
>  for($i = 0;$i <$num;$i++){
>   print $select[$i] . "<br>";
>  }
> }
> ?>
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:42 AM
> Subject: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against a wall
> ..
> > Hi all
> >
> > I'm having a slight little problem .. I can't seem to solve..
> >
> > I have a multiple select form .. that i select mutiple options from and
> then it creates a variable called $select
> > now if I display $select .. I only get the last selected value .. here
> foloows test code..
> >
> > <?
> > if ($select==""){
> >   print"
> > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select\">
> > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > </select><br>
> > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > </form>
> >   ";
> >
> > }else{
> >
> >   print $select;
> >
> > }
> > ?>
> >
> > I'm de missing something ... can sombody please lend a hand .. thanks
> >
> > Henti Smith
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try either:

        <input type="hidden" name="select" value="<?php echo $select; ?>"


        printf ("input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select\" value=\"%s\">",


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 January 2001 12:27
To: Adrian Murphy
Cc: PHP list
Subject: Re: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against
a wall ..

Having soved this .. thanks .. now for the next question .. *grin* 

I have the $select ... but I only use it on the next page .. heheh
so I'm trying the following ..

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select\" value=\"$select\">

which of course doens't work .. nor does 

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select[]" value=\"$select\">

any idea on how to pass an array on in an input field in a form ? 


On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 12:01:40PM -0000, Adrian Murphy wrote:
> hey,
> since u are slecting multiple options you'll have to use an array
> here's how.i u need explanation,feel free to mail me:
> <?
> if ($select==""){
>   print"
> <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select[]\">
> <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> </select><br>
> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> </form>
>   ";
> }else{
>     ///count array
>  $num = count($select);
> file://loop through array
>  for($i = 0;$i <$num;$i++){
>   print $select[$i] . "<br>";
>  }
> }
> ?>
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:42 AM
> Subject: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against a wall
> ..
> > Hi all
> >
> > I'm having a slight little problem .. I can't seem to solve..
> >
> > I have a multiple select form .. that i select mutiple options from and
> then it creates a variable called $select
> > now if I display $select .. I only get the last selected value .. here
> foloows test code..
> >
> > <?
> > if ($select==""){
> >   print"
> > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select\">
> > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > </select><br>
> > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > </form>
> >   ";
> >
> > }else{
> >
> >   print $select;
> >
> > }
> > ?>
> >
> > I'm de missing something ... can sombody please lend a hand .. thanks
> >
> > Henti Smith
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

in your form do this:
 $num = count($select);
 for($i = 0;$i <$num;$i++){

 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select[]\" value=\"$select[$i]\">


then on the nex page use the same code i.e:
$num = count($select);
for($i = 0;$i <$num;$i++){
print $select[$i] . "<br>";


----- Original Message -----
To: Adrian Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against a
wall ..

> Having soved this .. thanks .. now for the next question .. *grin*
> I have the $select ... but I only use it on the next page .. heheh
> so I'm trying the following ..
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select\" value=\"$select\">
> which of course doens't work .. nor does
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select[]" value=\"$select\">
> any idea on how to pass an array on in an input field in a form ?
> Henti
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 12:01:40PM -0000, Adrian Murphy wrote:
> > hey,
> > since u are slecting multiple options you'll have to use an array
> > here's how.i u need explanation,feel free to mail me:
> >
> > <?
> > if ($select==""){
> >   print"
> > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select[]\">
> > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > </select><br>
> > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > </form>
> >   ";
> >
> > }else{
> >
> >     ///count array
> >  $num = count($select);
> >
> > file://loop through array
> >  for($i = 0;$i <$num;$i++){
> >   print $select[$i] . "<br>";
> >  }
> > }
> > ?>
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > To: PHP list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:42 AM
> > Subject: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against a
> > ..
> >
> >
> > > Hi all
> > >
> > > I'm having a slight little problem .. I can't seem to solve..
> > >
> > > I have a multiple select form .. that i select mutiple options from
> > then it creates a variable called $select
> > > now if I display $select .. I only get the last selected value .. here
> > foloows test code..
> > >
> > > <?
> > > if ($select==""){
> > >   print"
> > > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select\">
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > > </select><br>
> > > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > > </form>
> > >   ";
> > >
> > > }else{
> > >
> > >   print $select;
> > >
> > > }
> > > ?>
> > >
> > > I'm de missing something ... can sombody please lend a hand .. thanks
> > >
> > > Henti Smith
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > PHP General Mailing List (
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > To contact the list administrators, e-mail:
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

ummmm ... $select is an array .. so echo $select will just produce 
"array" .. 

On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 12:44:20PM -0000, Jon Haworth wrote:
> Try either:
>       ?>
>       <input type="hidden" name="select" value="<?php echo $select; ?>"
>       <?php
> OR
>       printf ("input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select\" value=\"%s\">",
> $select);
> Jon
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 23 January 2001 12:27
> To: Adrian Murphy
> Cc: PHP list
> Subject: Re: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against
> a wall ..
> Having soved this .. thanks .. now for the next question .. *grin* 
> I have the $select ... but I only use it on the next page .. heheh
> so I'm trying the following ..
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select\" value=\"$select\">
> which of course doens't work .. nor does 
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select[]" value=\"$select\">
> any idea on how to pass an array on in an input field in a form ? 
> Henti 
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 12:01:40PM -0000, Adrian Murphy wrote:
> > hey,
> > since u are slecting multiple options you'll have to use an array
> > here's how.i u need explanation,feel free to mail me:
> > 
> > <?
> > if ($select==""){
> >   print"
> > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select[]\">
> > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > </select><br>
> > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > </form>
> >   ";
> > 
> > }else{
> > 
> >     ///count array
> >  $num = count($select);
> > 
> > file://loop through array
> >  for($i = 0;$i <$num;$i++){
> >   print $select[$i] . "<br>";
> >  }
> > }
> > ?>
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > To: PHP list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:42 AM
> > Subject: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against a wall
> > ..
> > 
> > 
> > > Hi all
> > >
> > > I'm having a slight little problem .. I can't seem to solve..
> > >
> > > I have a multiple select form .. that i select mutiple options from and
> > then it creates a variable called $select
> > > now if I display $select .. I only get the last selected value .. here
> > foloows test code..
> > >
> > > <?
> > > if ($select==""){
> > >   print"
> > > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select\">
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > > </select><br>
> > > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > > </form>
> > >   ";
> > >
> > > }else{
> > >
> > >   print $select;
> > >
> > > }
> > > ?>
> > >
> > > I'm de missing something ... can sombody please lend a hand .. thanks
> > >
> > > Henti Smith
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > PHP General Mailing List (
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, my bad. I should have spotted the cunning way he used the word
"array", really :-)

Eyes closing. More coffee. <glug> aaaaaahaaaaaahhhhhhhrrrggggghhhhhhh


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 January 2001 12:45
To: Jon Haworth
Subject: Re: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against
a wall ..

ummmm ... $select is an array .. so echo $select will just produce 
"array" .. 

On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 12:44:20PM -0000, Jon Haworth wrote:
> Try either:
>       ?>
>       <input type="hidden" name="select" value="<?php echo $select; ?>"
>       <?php
> OR
>       printf ("input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select\" value=\"%s\">",
> $select);
> Jon
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 23 January 2001 12:27
> To: Adrian Murphy
> Cc: PHP list
> Subject: Re: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against
> a wall ..
> Having soved this .. thanks .. now for the next question .. *grin* 
> I have the $select ... but I only use it on the next page .. heheh
> so I'm trying the following ..
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select\" value=\"$select\">
> which of course doens't work .. nor does 
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select[]" value=\"$select\">
> any idea on how to pass an array on in an input field in a form ? 
> Henti 
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 12:01:40PM -0000, Adrian Murphy wrote:
> > hey,
> > since u are slecting multiple options you'll have to use an array
> > here's how.i u need explanation,feel free to mail me:
> > 
> > <?
> > if ($select==""){
> >   print"
> > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select[]\">
> > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > </select><br>
> > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > </form>
> >   ";
> > 
> > }else{
> > 
> >     ///count array
> >  $num = count($select);
> > 
> > file://loop through array
> >  for($i = 0;$i <$num;$i++){
> >   print $select[$i] . "<br>";
> >  }
> > }
> > ?>
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > To: PHP list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:42 AM
> > Subject: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against a
> > ..
> > 
> > 
> > > Hi all
> > >
> > > I'm having a slight little problem .. I can't seem to solve..
> > >
> > > I have a multiple select form .. that i select mutiple options from
> > then it creates a variable called $select
> > > now if I display $select .. I only get the last selected value .. here
> > foloows test code..
> > >
> > > <?
> > > if ($select==""){
> > >   print"
> > > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select\">
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > > </select><br>
> > > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > > </form>
> > >   ";
> > >
> > > }else{
> > >
> > >   print $select;
> > >
> > > }
> > > ?>
> > >
> > > I'm de missing something ... can sombody please lend a hand .. thanks
> > >
> > > Henti Smith
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > PHP General Mailing List (
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > To contact the list administrators, e-mail:
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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If you don't put it in a session var, and need to transport it you can use
f. x. :
<input type=hidden name='user_selections' value='<?=implode( "||",
$select )?>'>

This puts double pipe-chars between the array variables. You can later (when
u need to use the vars again) use: $select = explode( "||",
$user_selections );
to put it into an array again.

----- Original Message -----
To: "Adrian Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against a
wall ..

> Having soved this .. thanks .. now for the next question .. *grin*
> I have the $select ... but I only use it on the next page .. heheh
> so I'm trying the following ..
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select\" value=\"$select\">
> which of course doens't work .. nor does
> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"select[]" value=\"$select\">
> any idea on how to pass an array on in an input field in a form ?
> Henti
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 12:01:40PM -0000, Adrian Murphy wrote:
> > hey,
> > since u are slecting multiple options you'll have to use an array
> > here's how.i u need explanation,feel free to mail me:
> >
> > <?
> > if ($select==""){
> >   print"
> > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select[]\">
> > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > </select><br>
> > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > </form>
> >   ";
> >
> > }else{
> >
> >     ///count array
> >  $num = count($select);
> >
> > file://loop through array
> >  for($i = 0;$i <$num;$i++){
> >   print $select[$i] . "<br>";
> >  }
> > }
> > ?>
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > To: PHP list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:42 AM
> > Subject: [PHP] multple select forms... going to hit my head against a
> > ..
> >
> >
> > > Hi all
> > >
> > > I'm having a slight little problem .. I can't seem to solve..
> > >
> > > I have a multiple select form .. that i select mutiple options from
> > then it creates a variable called $select
> > > now if I display $select .. I only get the last selected value .. here
> > foloows test code..
> > >
> > > <?
> > > if ($select==""){
> > >   print"
> > > <form method=\"post\" name=\"select\" action=\"test.php3\">
> > > <SELECT MULTIPLE NAME=\"select\">
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Chocolate\">Chocolate/Chocolate Chip
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Peanut\">Peanut Brittle/Vanilla
> > > <Option Selected VALUE=\"Cookie\">Cookie Batter
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Blueberry\">Vanilla/Blueberry
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Caramel\">Caramel Swirl
> > > <Option VALUE=\"Other\">Other...
> > > </select><br>
> > > <input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"test\">
> > > </form>
> > >   ";
> > >
> > > }else{
> > >
> > >   print $select;
> > >
> > > }
> > > ?>
> > >
> > > I'm de missing something ... can sombody please lend a hand .. thanks
> > >
> > > Henti Smith
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > PHP General Mailing List (
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > To contact the list administrators, e-mail:
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi ... 
I'm having some problem's here....
I'm need to know  if my apache server is able to run scripts in a specific
date and hour.

For example: 

Every month, in the 15th day, I need to run a script PHP that check my Mysql
database for some cause.
Is that possible???

I'm realy thanks!!!

Bruno  de F. F

City: Belo Horizonte
Estate: Minas Gerais
Country: Brazil

Hey Bruno,

Information to generally setup a cron tab :

    How do I set up a cron job on Linux?

In regards to php :

    How can I make a PHP script be called from the cron daemon?

Also, search mailing list for word 'cron' and many results will come
about.  Here's a link to such a search :

Good luck!

(this is a quote for Philip Olson)

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Namens
Bruno Freire
Verzonden: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 1:53 PM
Onderwerp: [PHP] help!!! (PHP)

Hi ...
I'm having some problem's here....
I'm need to know  if my apache server is able to run scripts in a specific
date and hour.

For example:

Every month, in the 15th day, I need to run a script PHP that check my Mysql
database for some cause.
Is that possible???

I'm realy thanks!!!

Bruno  de F. F

City: Belo Horizonte
Estate: Minas Gerais
Country: Brazil

Use cron for this - put the following in your crontab ("crontab -e") to run a
script everyday at midnite:

0 0 * * * lynx -source

man crontab will tell you how to run on different days, etc.


On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 09:53:13AM -0300, Bruno Freire wrote:
> Hi ... 
> I'm having some problem's here....
> I'm need to know  if my apache server is able to run scripts in a specific
> date and hour.
> For example: 
> Every month, in the 15th day, I need to run a script PHP that check my Mysql
> database for some cause.
> Is that possible???
> I'm realy thanks!!!
> Bruno  de F. F
> City: Belo Horizonte
> Estate: Minas Gerais
> Country: Brazil

Joe Stump, PHP Hacker

Hi ... 
I'm having some problem's here....
I'm need to know  if my apache server is able to run scripts in a specific
date and hour.

For example: 

Every month, in the 15th day, I need to run a script PHP that check my Mysql
database for some cause.
Is that possible???

I'm realy thanks!!!

Bruno  de F. F

City: Belo Horizonte
Estate: Minas Gerais
Country: Brazil

If you're running on a unix-type system you can set up a cron job for this. 

If you're running on Windows you may be able to do something via the task
scheduler, but I'm not sure about this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Freire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 January 2001 12:55
Subject: [PHP] apache doubt!!!!

Hi ... 
I'm having some problem's here....
I'm need to know  if my apache server is able to run scripts in a specific
date and hour.

For example: 

Every month, in the 15th day, I need to run a script PHP that check my Mysql
database for some cause.
Is that possible???

I'm realy thanks!!!

Bruno  de F. F

City: Belo Horizonte
Estate: Minas Gerais
Country: Brazil

try the CGI version of PHP and call that executable without using your Apache

At 9:55 AM -0300 1/23/01, Bruno Freire wrote:
>Hi ...
>I'm having some problem's here....
>I'm need to know  if my apache server is able to run scripts in a specific
>date and hour.
>For example:
>Every month, in the 15th day, I need to run a script PHP that check my Mysql
>database for some cause.
>Is that possible???
>I'm realy thanks!!!
>Bruno  de F. F
>City: Belo Horizonte
>Estate: Minas Gerais
>Country: Brazil

Thierry Coopman - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My opinions are personal, and have really nothing or nothing to do 
with Keytrade!

You know that you are drinking too much coffee if: ...
You go to sleep just so you can wake up and smell the coffee.

Hi everybody, it's me again.....
Does anybody know how to setup PHP on a iPlanet Web Server (or Netscape Web
Server)???? HEELPPP

I post a few messages from yesterday. Could you help me???


I'm trying to split a string into an array but keep getting the following

Warning: unexpected regex error (13) in z:/www_root/staff.php on line 34

The code is just

$query_string = split("+",$search);

where $search is from a form.

Any clues??



Hello Matt, 

(MW == "Matt Williams") [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MW> $query_string = split("+",$search);

$query_string = explode('+', $search);


At 7:33 AM -0500 1/23/01, Brian Clark wrote:
>Hello Matt,
>(MW == "Matt Williams") [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>MW> $query_string = split("+",$search);
>$query_string = explode('+', $search);

Just to explain the error -

split() takes a regular expression for its first argument; '+' is a 
special character for regular expressions, and is not valid by 
itself. That's why you're getting an error. For more info on regular 
expressions, there have been links to good tutorials that pop up from 
time to time on this list; also, I think there are a few references 
mentioned in the online docs for the ereg_ and preg_ functions. You 
can also get the O'Reilly book 'Mastering regular expressions.'

That being said, though, explode() is probably a better function to 
use here. If you don't need the functionality of regexps, explode() 
is faster.


+--- "They've got a cherry pie there, that'll kill ya" ------------------+
| Steve Edberg                           University of California, Davis |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               Computer Consultant |
|         |
+-------------------------------------- FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper ---+

Sorry for it isnt PHP related, but maybe someone can answer or point where 
to look

I have some disagreement with one person about method="post"... Is this 
possible and good use as action html files: for example - > process form 
data to other page via html...

Cant find answer nowhere... always are only server side form handler...


Here is the difference between method="post" and method="get" - "get" passes
the variables on the url (ie script.php?var1=foo&var2=foobar) and "post" passes
them behind the scenes. They both have the same effect. The difference is that
if a user reloads the page with a "get" request it reloads without any noticable
effect to the user, on the other hand, a reload on a "post" request will pop up
the "You must repost the previous form. [ OK ] [ Cancel ]" message.


On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 02:13:26PM +0200, Anna wrote:
> Sorry for it isnt PHP related, but maybe someone can answer or point where 
> to look
> I have some disagreement with one person about method="post"... Is this 
> possible and good use as action html files: for example - > process form 
> data to other page via html...
> Cant find answer nowhere... always are only server side form handler...
> AnnA
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Joe Stump, PHP Hacker

I think you are asking if you can use client side JavaScript to handle a form. has some good examples of this in their JavaScript FAQ section.

for "Interactions between forms in different frames or windows"

>>> Anna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/23/01 06:13AM >>>
Sorry for it isnt PHP related, but maybe someone can answer or point where 
to look

I have some disagreement with one person about method="post"... Is this 
possible and good use as action html files: for example - > process form 
data to other page via html...

Cant find answer nowhere... always are only server side form handler...


PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

howdy again :) 

does anybody knwo how to pass an array via forms using something like 

 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"client_services\" value=\"$client_services\">

where $client_services is an array ? 


serialise it using serialize() - see under chapter 12 of the PHP manual
'Miscellaneous functions'

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 January 2001 12:42
To: PHP list
Subject: [PHP] passing arrays via forms ..

howdy again :)

does anybody knwo how to pass an array via forms using something like

 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"client_services\" value=\"$client_services\">

where $client_services is an array ?


PHP General Mailing List (
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To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Can anyone tell me how to turn off the bottom scrollbar in both IE and 


Dare I say..... don't design your page so it's wider than the browser?

<img src="foo.gif" width="3000" height="1"> is asking for trouble.... :-)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 January 2001 13:18
Subject: [PHP] Turning off scrollbar


Can anyone tell me how to turn off the bottom scrollbar in both IE and 


PHP General Mailing List (
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Hello Website4S, 


Wac> Can anyone tell me how to turn off the bottom scrollbar in both
Wac> IE and Netscape??

Check all of your table widths (use percentages or a width of around
550) and validate your HTML.

Your content is causing the page to scroll horizontally. It has
nothing to do with PHP or any browser settings.

Wac> TIA
Wac> Ade


Hi All

I have tried to get this to work but it does not produce any output in the
browser - why

$i = 1;
while ($i)

 echo $i;
 echo "<BR>";


It turns out that the sleep and usleep does not return as far as I can tell.
If I use usleep the wait time parameter have no affect on program execution
Tried this on both Windows and Linux.


I have to add that I am using the latest PHP version.
It was Windows and Linux servers I was talking about.
usleep work in the way that it return right away without any sleep time.


""Benny Nissen"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse
94k0ql$em$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:94k0ql$em$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi All
> I have tried to get this to work but it does not produce any output in the
> browser - why
> $i = 1;
> while ($i)
> {
>  if(connection_aborted())
>   break;
>  echo $i;
>  echo "<BR>";
>     $i++;
>  sleep(1);
> //usleep(1000);
> }
> It turns out that the sleep and usleep does not return as far as I can
> If I use usleep the wait time parameter have no affect on program
> ??
> Tried this on both Windows and Linux.
> Benny
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How can I extract the information
about email attachments using the IMAP-functions?

* Jochen Kächelin                            *
* Ihr WEBberater - Werbeagentur Pulvermüller *
* Stuttgarter Str. 3 - D-73033 Göppingen     *
* - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]          *

On 23 Jan 2001 06:36:02 -0800, Jochen Kächelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How can I extract the information
>about email attachments using the IMAP-functions?

Use imap_fetchstructure(). It returns a pretty large array, so you'll probably
want to spend some quality time with the documentation and print_r() getting
all of the details.

One nice thing if you're making a webmail interface is that you won't need to
worry too much about mime-types - those can be passed through to the browser,
which can figure out anything from text/plain to video/quicktime.

I'd like to stop using sybase entirely, but that's a discussion for
another day, here's the actual issue I'm having.

An old site we've had for a while stopped working today after we upgraded
to PHP 4.0.4PL1.  We have a .shtml page doing a virtual include on two php
pages (banner rotations, etc).  The php pages work fine if they are called
by themselves, but when included in an SSI manner, they cause a segfault.

In order to track this down, I looked at the php files we were incluing
through SSI.  Turns out that the error went away when I changed
sybase_connect to sybase_pconnect.  So here's the complete list.

Apache segfaults (page contains no data) when sybase_connect is called in
a php page included through SSI, but sybase_pconnect works just fine.  I
know this because I used die() before and after the sybase_connect, and
the segfault *only* occured when I tried to die after making the sybase

This brings me to believe there is a bug somewhere in the sybase_connect

Fixed in the recent cvb?  Ideas?

| Shaun M. Thomas                INN Database Programmer              |
| Phone: (309) 743-0812          Fax  : (309) 743-0830                |
| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    AIM  : trifthen                      |
| Web  :                                              |
|                                                                     |
|     "Most of our lives are about proving something, either to       |
|     "ourselves or to someone else."                                 |
|                                           -- Anonymous              |

Is there a way to remove all cookies so matter what path they were set as
long as it was from me (ex. in my parent directory). i need this because i
was screwing around with setting cookies in different paths but now i cant
get rid of one.


- Noah

Addressed to: "Noah Spitzer-Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Reply to note from "Noah Spitzer-Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tue, 23 Jan 2001 
10:09:22 -0500
> Is there a way to remove all cookies so matter what path they were
> set as long as it was from me (ex. in my parent directory). i need
> this because i was screwing around with setting cookies in different
> paths but now i cant get rid of one.

If you are using Netscape, go into Edit - Preferences - Advanced, and
disable cookies.  Save that change.  Then go back in and re-enable
them.  There is a side effect, _all_ cookies will be deleted.


Exit Netscape.  Find your cookies.txt file, and edit it with your
favorite text editor.  Be careful if you change the length of stuff,
but I've had good luck removing individual cookies by delete line.

I am sure there are equivalent operations for IE, but I can't tell you
how to do them.

Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists


I wonder whether anyone can shed some light onto this for me...

Say I have this example insert:

 $sql = "INSERT INTO songs (id,name,url) VALUES

The id is autoincrement so obviously left blank, yet I'd like to put it into
the url where <id> is.

How do I go about dragging back the id even though it is being created (I
suppose) while the statement is being made -- is it possible or do I have to
do something hackish?

Sorry if that's a simple problem...


    Robert Morrissey

If you are using mysql as your database, you can use mysql_insert_id.

See for more info


Sam Masiello
Systems Analyst
(716) 853-1362 x289

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Robert Morrissey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 23, 2001 10:17 AM
Subject:        [PHP] ID value


I wonder whether anyone can shed some light onto this for me...

Say I have this example insert:

 $sql = "INSERT INTO songs (id,name,url) VALUES

The id is autoincrement so obviously left blank, yet I'd like to put it into
the url where <id> is.

How do I go about dragging back the id even though it is being created (I
suppose) while the statement is being made -- is it possible or do I have to
do something hackish?

Sorry if that's a simple problem...


    Robert Morrissey

PHP General Mailing List (
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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone:

I started playing around with some php scripts a while ago and became
hooked on it. I have a few books but I'm afraid I'm a learn by example
kind of person and get stuck at times.

While working on my wife's site I made headers, footers, navigation and
a little MySQL database for her yarns with a small database
administration module and so on. The thing is that I would like to have
the site divided into directories by subject and have the same template
load every time , but my logic tells me that I have to have an
index.php3 per directory and have to do this process every time I add a
subject. I would like to spend my time working on one document and add
ifs, whiles and elses than doing that.

I  have read most of the class.Fast.Template, fast.Template stuff, but
if there is an example on how to do this I'm missing it. As far as I can
tell I can only create one document and I can't find how to manage URLS
to other documents with the same template

I wish I could get help on this!


Gerry Figueroa

I'm not sure if I fully understand what you want to do, but I don't see
why you need a seperate index.php for each of your directories. Can't the
index.php script pull content from any number of different directories?,


Sorry if I've missed the point


On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Gerry wrote:

> Hello everyone:
> I started playing around with some php scripts a while ago and became
> hooked on it. I have a few books but I'm afraid I'm a learn by example
> kind of person and get stuck at times.
> While working on my wife's site I made headers, footers, navigation and
> a little MySQL database for her yarns with a small database
> administration module and so on. The thing is that I would like to have
> the site divided into directories by subject and have the same template
> load every time , but my logic tells me that I have to have an
> index.php3 per directory and have to do this process every time I add a
> subject. I would like to spend my time working on one document and add
> ifs, whiles and elses than doing that.
> I  have read most of the class.Fast.Template, fast.Template stuff, but
> if there is an example on how to do this I'm missing it. As far as I can
> tell I can only create one document and I can't find how to manage URLS
> to other documents with the same template
> I wish I could get help on this!
> Rergards:
> Gerry Figueroa
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 11:58 AM -0700 on 1/23/01, Gerry wrote:

>I  have read most of the class.Fast.Template, fast.Template stuff, but
>if there is an example on how to do this I'm missing it. As far as I can
>tell I can only create one document and I can't find how to manage URLS
>to other documents with the same template
>I wish I could get help on this!

If you want to see something in print, there's a good example of 
FastTemplate's usage found in the "Professional PHP Programming" book 
by Wrox. Between that and the online tutorials, (see below) I was 
able to get up to speed.




Hi Mick:

You wrote:
Can't the
> index.php script pull content from any number of different directories?,
> eg:
> index.php?page=Yarns/stuff
> index.php?page=Rovings/stuff
> index.php/page=dir3/stuff

Well the thing is that there is probably a few ways to do this and I
thought of the way you just presented to me. I can see a redirect to
page=Yarns/stuff. What is stuff by the way? Where do I find this script? 

My way of doing this (novice way), is  I made my index.php and added
variables to call the header, navigation, content and footer. The
content is loaded with a variable like include "content.html"; not much
to it but at this point is useless if I have to do this inside every
directory (eg. Yarns/index.php3) add all the variables and also place a
content.html in every directory. I can see I'm doing it all wrong now.
All I need is to be able to learn how to load everything from a script
and  how to call the script with a URL to the directory.
eg. <? if (Yarns/) 
include "header,nav, fetch content,footer";
else "?";

<a href=""> Yarns</a>

Right! I can see this would not work, because I'm missing some things.
Don't worry if you got it wrong, I don't know if you did! I wish it
where this simple anyway.


Gerry Figueroa

Can anyone tell me how to up the max. execution time in PHP? I know it's been said 
before, but I can't remember how it's done.


On 23 Jan 2001 07:47:03 -0800, Liam Gibbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can anyone tell me how to up the max. execution time in PHP? I know it's =
>been said before, but I can't remember how it's done.

You can change the value max_execution_time in php.ini, or your apache
configuration files. If you only want to increase or disable the limit in a
single script, try set_time_limit().

put this line

set_time_limit(500) ;

at the beginning of your script if you want to enlarge execution time for
500 seconds.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Liam Gibbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 4:48 PM
Subject: [PHP] Maximum execution time

Can anyone tell me how to up the max. execution time in PHP? I know it's
been said before, but I can't remember how it's done.


Kyle Jerviss wrote:

> Yeek!  Not quite what I meant.  I don't think that web servers have any
> business being on windows boxes.  I was wondering if there were a way to
> upload using something like scp from a windows (or other) browser to a
> unix server.

There is a nice program WinSCP at
It provides interface similar to Norton Commander, one panel is your
local disk, second remote directory accesed via scp.

  Jirka Kosek                        

Can anyone direct me to some up-to-date documentation on how to install (and then use) 
the Pear included in the distribution? There seems to be minimal (and perhaps outdated 
or inappropriate?) install instructions included with the source distribution, but 
I've found nothing on how to use it.


Alex Black wrote:

> No SGML editors out there with a tag catalog, etc?

You can use Emacs with PSGML package. It is very productive environment,
if you do not need WYSIWYG.

If you want more comfortable and more WYSIWYG you can try XMetaL from
SoftQuad or Epic from ArborText. 

  Jirka Kosek                        

Teodor Cimpoesu wrote:

> my follow-up was from an suggest of using <% though :)
> it exists in C, ASP and JSP. We have it in PHP, why not use it?

Because it is not compatible with XML syntax. Following is incorrect in
XML, because '<' has very restricted usage:

 <% echo Date("d.m.Y") %>

If you use <?php instead, it is perfect XML and you can use any XML
editor or other tool to work with document:

 <?php echo Date("d.m.Y") ?>

  Jirka Kosek                        

When using PHP 4 as a CGI module I get the following error trying to use

Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the
current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on
line 0

What does this error mean?

This only occurs if cookies are disabled.

I pass the session id via a hidden tag within a POST form.

 echo "<input type=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"PHPSESSID\" VALUE=\"$thisses\">

thanks for any help,


Hey -

I'm using PHP 4.0.4pl1 w/ Apache 1.3.14 on Solaris 2.6.
PHP was compiled with GD (1.8.3), jpeg (6b), png (1.0.8), and freetype

I'm trying to overlay text on a existing png graphic, which works, but the
color depth seems to be getting reduced.  Page info in Netscape shows that
the button is a 16bit "TrueColor" image, but the resulting image is much
lower in visual colordepth (if not actual color depth).

Check out..

(the png it uses to generate that file)

Any ideas on why it does this or how to fix it?


On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Liam Hoekenga wrote:

> Hey -
> I'm using PHP 4.0.4pl1 w/ Apache 1.3.14 on Solaris 2.6.
> PHP was compiled with GD (1.8.3), jpeg (6b), png (1.0.8), and freetype
> (1.3.1)
> I'm trying to overlay text on a existing png graphic, which works, but the
> color depth seems to be getting reduced.  Page info in Netscape shows that
> the button is a 16bit "TrueColor" image, but the resulting image is much
> lower in visual colordepth (if not actual color depth).

GD's png support only uses indexed color palettes, so you're limited to
8bit color.

One possible option is to use php_imlib, which uses Imlib2 instead of GD
for manipulating images.  Since Imlib2 does everything in 32bit ARGB
space, it'll do what you want.  What I'm not sure about is if Imlib2 will
build on Solaris..



I am trying to dynamically create WML pages using PHP and mysql. I can get
the PHP to output WML however I am having problems with postfields. They do
not seem to be populating the $HTTP_POST_VARS array.

Has anyone come across this before and no why this is the case. I could
create the query string myself and create links in the code but as far as I
can tell the postfield should send variables through to the script.




Alastair Binns
Lawton eMarketing
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terms and conditions expressed in the governing client engagement letter or


I justs wanna make that password box show up in the screen....

But without a protected directory...



Try this:

function authUser($username,$password,$realm,$message) {
        if (isset($GLOBALS["PHP_AUTH_USER"]) && (($GLOBALS["PHP_AUTH_USER"]
!= $username) || ($GLOBALS["PHP_AUTH_PW"] != $password))) { 
           header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"$realm\""); 
           header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); 
           echo $message; 
        } elseif (!isset($GLOBALS["PHP_AUTH_USER"])) { 
                header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"$realm\""); 
           header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); 
           echo $message; 
        return true;

authUser("test","test","mine","You are not permited to access this
area!<BR><BR>try:<BR>password : test<BR>username : test");

$title = "Password";

echo "OK, you can look at this page!";


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Freire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 10:45 AM
Subject: [PHP] HELP!!! $PHP_AUTH_USER!!!!!!


I justs wanna make that password box show up in the screen....

But without a protected directory...



I wrote a message earlier about sybase_connect having issues, but it
appears it's more than that.  We had also recently upgraded to mysql
3.23.  After downgrading mysql, sybase went back to normal in all
cases.  Can't say I can explain it, but that's what happened.  Does this
mean mysql 3.23 is simply not supported in php 4.04PL1?

| Shaun M. Thomas                INN Database Programmer              |
| Phone: (309) 743-0812          Fax  : (309) 743-0830                |
| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    AIM  : trifthen                      |
| Web  :                                              |
|                                                                     |
|     "Most of our lives are about proving something, either to       |
|     "ourselves or to someone else."                                 |
|                                           -- Anonymous              |

Hey guys and gals!  I have my personal site on, and I wanna move it.
The problem is I don't have it all backed up on my machine (I think I only
have some of the images), but I want to move it to my server at work.  Does
anyone know of a script of some sort that will go to my site, copy all the
files to a specified folder, and follow my internal links?  Thanks for the


At 12:05 PM 1/23/2001, Jason Jacobs wrote:

on linux use wget on windows use websnake.

both are available somewhere on the net.  wget is at freshmeat and websnake 
is available at


>Hey guys and gals!  I have my personal site on, and I wanna move it.
>The problem is I don't have it all backed up on my machine (I think I only
>have some of the images), but I want to move it to my server at work.  Does
>anyone know of a script of some sort that will go to my site, copy all the
>files to a specified folder, and follow my internal links?  Thanks for the
>PHP General Mailing List (
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


i try to use the shared memory functions on a SuSE Linux 7.0 server with
Apache and mod_php4 out of the box installed with yast. For shmop i need to
configure PHP with --enable-shmop with isn't enabled in this installation.

I know how to enable this when compiling and installing the source of
mod_php4, what is to difficult for me, i think. But how to enable it in the
SuSE-RPM-Distribution? I found a mod_php4.spec in /usr/src/packages/SPECS in
wich the configuration options are, butr i don't know how to use it to
install this RPM with my own configuration. Can anyone help me?

Thomas Weber

CYNOBIA Community Online Service AG
Kühbachstraße 11
81543 München
fon 089-78 06 0(280)
fax 089-78 06 01 99

        Im a little brain fried today and I have a silly question. I have a
script (imagine that huh?) that I want to pull some code out of and put
in a function that is contained in a seperate file. The function however
inlcudes some lines with $PHP_SELF in a link (a href). When I remove the
code from the running script and include it in a function file seperate
from the script the function works fine as far as generating links etc,
but when the link that includes $PHP_SELF is selected, the file of the
running script is not passed.

So in other words, when I have my function code in my running script, it
generates some links that limit a query on a mysql database and pass
data to PHP_SELF, the passed URL looks like this (for example):

But, when I move the code to create the links externally into a
function, the link I end up with is like this:

Can someone shed some light on the best way to handle this?

Larry H.

I've been charged with trying to find out how something
like this can be done if it is at all in fact possible.  The info
I'm hoping to get is what would be involved and where I 
can find information on it.  I'm not asking for code or 
examples unless you really want to provide them. :P

Anyways, what we need to be able to do is the following:

* Have a user be able to authenticate on a *trusted* partner 
website that resides on a server external to our network.

* Have that external website securely transmit information
(preferrably not on the URL :p) with regards to the 
authentication information on that user; the auth info
will be the same on both servers.  This would allow the
user streamlined access to the areas on our website that
would otherwise require the user to log in without forcing
them to do so.

* The other aspect to the above that we also need to address is
when a user signs up for the first time on the trusted partner's
site, that signup information should be securely transmitted to 
us when/if the user attempts to access our site so we could set 
them up in the database and authenticate them by nature of the 

Is something like this possible?  What would be involved?  Is
there something that is already built into Apache/PHP that
would make it easier?  Someone suggested XML database transfer, 
but I've never heard of XML being anything other than a markup 
language much less capable of storing data?  It was also suggested 
that we use something like public key/private key but am not sure
how that would work... 

We are using:

Apache 1.3.12
PHP 4.0.3pl1
PHP4 Session based (not HTTP basic) authentication using mySql
to store the ID/PW

I realize the security implications of something like this and have
brought them up myself.  However, it's something that is being 
pushed and so I've got to look into it (and I don't even really know 
where to start) so please don't say it's stupid because I already know. 
:)  Is something like this possible?  What's involved?  Where can I go 
to learn more?



Have the user log in to/authenticate against the first server.
That server generates a key, based on combining the username and a private
key known to the authenticating server and your servers.
Pass that back to your servers in a URL - cookie wouldn't work, but the key
in the URL should be sufficiently garbled so as to not be decipherable
Have your server decipher the key based on the private key shared between
the servers.  You should then have the user name, which you can then use
internally to your system however you need to. (double check that username
IS valid, for starters).

You might also want to search google for info on how microsoft's passport
service works - but I think this is cookie based, and is limited in its

"Boget, Chris" wrote:

> I've been charged with trying to find out how something
> like this can be done if it is at all in fact possible.  The info
> I'm hoping to get is what would be involved and where I
> can find information on it.  I'm not asking for code or
> examples unless you really want to provide them. :P
> Anyways, what we need to be able to do is the following:
> * Have a user be able to authenticate on a *trusted* partner
> website that resides on a server external to our network.
> * Have that external website securely transmit information
> (preferrably not on the URL :p) with regards to the
> authentication information on that user; the auth info
> will be the same on both servers.  This would allow the
> user streamlined access to the areas on our website that
> would otherwise require the user to log in without forcing
> them to do so.
> * The other aspect to the above that we also need to address is
> when a user signs up for the first time on the trusted partner's
> site, that signup information should be securely transmitted to
> us when/if the user attempts to access our site so we could set
> them up in the database and authenticate them by nature of the
> above.
> Is something like this possible?  What would be involved?  Is
> there something that is already built into Apache/PHP that
> would make it easier?  Someone suggested XML database transfer,
> but I've never heard of XML being anything other than a markup
> language much less capable of storing data?  It was also suggested
> that we use something like public key/private key but am not sure
> how that would work...
> We are using:
> Apache 1.3.12
> PHP 4.0.3pl1
> PHP4 Session based (not HTTP basic) authentication using mySql
> to store the ID/PW
> I realize the security implications of something like this and have
> brought them up myself.  However, it's something that is being
> pushed and so I've got to look into it (and I don't even really know
> where to start) so please don't say it's stupid because I already know.
> :)  Is something like this possible?  What's involved?  Where can I go
> to learn more?
> Thanks!
> Chris

> Have the user log in to/authenticate against the first server.
> That server generates a key, based on combining the username 
> and a private key known to the authenticating server and your 
> servers.
> Pass that back to your servers in a URL - cookie wouldn't 
> work, but the key in the URL should be sufficiently garbled so 
> as to not be decipherable easily.
> Have your server decipher the key based on the private key 
> shared between the servers.  You should then have the user 
> name, which you can then use internally to your system however 
> you need to. (double check that username IS valid, for starters).

One other thing that I forgot to include in my previous message as
a concern of mine and it relates to the above.  If we did it that way,
someone who was listening to a port on the client's server, or who
came by later to use the same machine the client was using previously
to do this could get this somehow encrypted information and log in
as the previous user since we wouldn't require authentication because
said authentication would have already been done on the trusted
website.  So essentially a 3rd party could concievably obtain this
information that was posted with the URL (which is why I didn't
want to pass this information via GET) to access our site and wreak
havoc.  I definitely want to minimize this possibility.
> You might also want to search google for info on how 
> microsoft's passport service works - but I think this is 
> cookie based, and is limited in its functionality.

Ok, I'll check it out.  Thanks!


Also, you can check the value of $HTTP_REFERER for the ip of the trusted
host, to further eliminate the potential.

Best regards,
Andrew Hill
Director Technology Evangelism
OpenLink Software
XML & E-Business Infrastructure Technology Provider

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Kimsal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 12:32 PM
> To: Boget, Chris
> Cc: Php (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: [PHP] "Authenticating" across sites/servers
> Have the user log in to/authenticate against the first server.
> That server generates a key, based on combining the username and a private
> key known to the authenticating server and your servers.
> Pass that back to your servers in a URL - cookie wouldn't work,
> but the key
> in the URL should be sufficiently garbled so as to not be decipherable
> easily.
> Have your server decipher the key based on the private key shared between
> the servers.  You should then have the user name, which you can then use
> internally to your system however you need to. (double check that username
> IS valid, for starters).
> You might also want to search google for info on how microsoft's passport
> service works - but I think this is cookie based, and is limited in its
> functionality.
> "Boget, Chris" wrote:
> > I've been charged with trying to find out how something
> > like this can be done if it is at all in fact possible.  The info
> > I'm hoping to get is what would be involved and where I
> > can find information on it.  I'm not asking for code or
> > examples unless you really want to provide them. :P
> >
> > Anyways, what we need to be able to do is the following:
> >
> > * Have a user be able to authenticate on a *trusted* partner
> > website that resides on a server external to our network.
> >
> > * Have that external website securely transmit information
> > (preferrably not on the URL :p) with regards to the
> > authentication information on that user; the auth info
> > will be the same on both servers.  This would allow the
> > user streamlined access to the areas on our website that
> > would otherwise require the user to log in without forcing
> > them to do so.
> >
> > * The other aspect to the above that we also need to address is
> > when a user signs up for the first time on the trusted partner's
> > site, that signup information should be securely transmitted to
> > us when/if the user attempts to access our site so we could set
> > them up in the database and authenticate them by nature of the
> > above.
> >
> > Is something like this possible?  What would be involved?  Is
> > there something that is already built into Apache/PHP that
> > would make it easier?  Someone suggested XML database transfer,
> > but I've never heard of XML being anything other than a markup
> > language much less capable of storing data?  It was also suggested
> > that we use something like public key/private key but am not sure
> > how that would work...
> >
> > We are using:
> >
> > Apache 1.3.12
> > PHP 4.0.3pl1
> > PHP4 Session based (not HTTP basic) authentication using mySql
> > to store the ID/PW
> >
> > I realize the security implications of something like this and have
> > brought them up myself.  However, it's something that is being
> > pushed and so I've got to look into it (and I don't even really know
> > where to start) so please don't say it's stupid because I already know.
> > :)  Is something like this possible?  What's involved?  Where can I go
> > to learn more?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Chris
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Also, you can check the value of $HTTP_REFERER for the ip of 
> the trusted host, to further eliminate the potential.

How do you get the IP out of $HTTP_REFERER?  As far as I know,
that only tells you the referring url, not the ip address.  And couldn't
that value be messed with?


Boget, Chris wrote:

> > > Also, you can check the value of $HTTP_REFERER for the ip of
> > the trusted host, to further eliminate the potential.
> How do you get the IP out of $HTTP_REFERER?  As far as I know,
> that only tells you the referring url, not the ip address. 

This is correct. But you could extract the hostname and do a dns-lookup, if 
you wish. But the hostname should suffice, shouldn't it?

> And couldn't
> that value be messed with?

Sure it can. It is sended by the browser, so the client (or proxy-servers) 
can maniulate or delete it. Anyway, it's from the wrong side of the trust 


One maniac alone can do what 20 together cannot

Here is an idea I had, but will require that all the sites in question
maintain very accurate clock synchronization, but doesn't require any
database writes.  It assumes that the passwords are stored using MySQL's
PASSWORD("") function.


function auth_hash($user,$pass){
 global $user_table,$rnow;
 $q='SELECT PASSWORD("'.$pass.'") as p1, password as p2 FROM '.
        $user_table.' WHERE username="'.$user.'"';
 return $retval;

function auth_logon($key,$user){
 global $user_table,$rnow,$persist,$interval;
 $q='SELECT password FROM '.$user_table.' WHERE username="'.$user.'"';
   return TRUE;
 return FALSE;

"Boget, Chris" wrote:
> I've been charged with trying to find out how something
> like this can be done if it is at all in fact possible.  The info
> I'm hoping to get is what would be involved and where I
> can find information on it.  I'm not asking for code or
> examples unless you really want to provide them. :P
> Anyways, what we need to be able to do is the following:
> * Have a user be able to authenticate on a *trusted* partner
> website that resides on a server external to our network.
> * Have that external website securely transmit information
> (preferrably not on the URL :p) with regards to the
> authentication information on that user; the auth info
> will be the same on both servers.  This would allow the
> user streamlined access to the areas on our website that
> would otherwise require the user to log in without forcing
> them to do so.
> * The other aspect to the above that we also need to address is
> when a user signs up for the first time on the trusted partner's
> site, that signup information should be securely transmitted to
> us when/if the user attempts to access our site so we could set
> them up in the database and authenticate them by nature of the
> above.
> Is something like this possible?  What would be involved?  Is
> there something that is already built into Apache/PHP that
> would make it easier?  Someone suggested XML database transfer,
> but I've never heard of XML being anything other than a markup
> language much less capable of storing data?  It was also suggested
> that we use something like public key/private key but am not sure
> how that would work...
> We are using:
> Apache 1.3.12
> PHP 4.0.3pl1
> PHP4 Session based (not HTTP basic) authentication using mySql
> to store the ID/PW
> I realize the security implications of something like this and have
> brought them up myself.  However, it's something that is being
> pushed and so I've got to look into it (and I don't even really know
> where to start) so please don't say it's stupid because I already know.
> :)  Is something like this possible?  What's involved?  Where can I go
> to learn more?
> Thanks!
> Chris

Should probably put the whole thing.

Why does this produce a parse error (I know that include statements do weird
things to if structures):

if($username != "") {
} else {

Which line is producing the error??

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Liam Gibbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 23 January 2001 17:32
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Parse error
> Should probably put the whole thing.
> Why does this produce a parse error (I know that include 
> statements do weird
> things to if structures):
> if($username != "") {
> <code>
> <code>
> <code>
> } else {
>     include("file.php3");
> }
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Can anyone point me in the right direction ? :

I have inherited some PHP code and the problem is that it times out of the 
management session after 10 minutes. Do I need to change code or php system 

Thanks v much


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

I have a file, lets call it genericfile.php, containing a

Now, I want to use (thats include) genericfile.php in many of my other
.php-files in the WHOLE directorytree. The problem is that
"a_specific_file" can't be found trough genericfile.php if this is
included someplace other in the directory tree.

How can I tell php not to make defaultpath to the toplevel require()
funcion call?

Rasmus Resen Amossen | stud.mat.dat at the University of Copenhagen
Jagtvej 120, -244    |
2200 Kbh. N          |


I have developed a small php program which creates a directory on a remote 
ftp site, which works fine. The problem is that when the directory is creted 
it displays the message:

Warning: ftp_mkdir: MKD command successful.

How can i get rid of this warning message?



p.s. i dont know if it helps but the related code is

$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, "User", "Password");

// check connection
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
        echo "Ftp connection has failed!";
        echo "Attempted to connect ";
    } else {
       # echo "Connected  for user ";

$temp = ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $uploadtag);

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

try @ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $uploadtag);
On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Simon Chambers wrote:

> Hi,
> I have developed a small php program which creates a directory on a remote
> ftp site, which works fine. The problem is that when the directory is creted
> it displays the message:
> Warning: ftp_mkdir: MKD command successful.
> How can i get rid of this warning message?
> Thanks
> Simon
> p.s. i dont know if it helps but the related code is
> $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, "User", "Password");
> // check connection
> if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
>         echo "Ftp connection has failed!";
>         echo "Attempted to connect ";
>         die;
>     } else {
>        # echo "Connected  for user ";
>     }
> $temp = ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $uploadtag);
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm playing a little bit with sessions for the moment and I get a really scary 

Warning: open(/tmp\sess_1b7577b36d874741ed1e74b4bead0dfd, O_RDWR) failed: m (2) in 
h:\program\apache\htdocs/boa/sessionTest.php on line 5

Warning: open(/tmp\sess_1b7577b36d874741ed1e74b4bead0dfd, O_RDWR) failed: m (2) in 
Unknown on line 0

Warning: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting 
of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0

I understand that there is a folder missing somewhere (tmp) and I tried to create one 
in the apache directory, but it still does not work. I'm using Win2k proffesional with 
an apache webserver and I don't have a clue what changes I should do to php.ini.
Please help!
/Broder B

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