I've tried and tried to figure out what is wrong with this function, but I
can't.  Could you please have a look.  This function reconstructs the
querystring values passed in the querystring:

function PassOnGetVars() {
         global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
#initialize retrn value
$retrn = "?";

#loop through each Get Var
 reset ($HTTP_GET_VARS);
 while (list($VariableName, $VariableValue) = each ($HTTP_GET_VARS))
  retrn =. "$VariableName\=$VariableValue";
  retrn =. "&";

#return the value

I've tried both versions of =. and .= (struggling to remember which is
correct.  But this isn't the error, I get the same error regardles of the .=
The error I get is line 60 (which is)

  retrn .= "$VariableName=$VariableValue";

Thanks!  Karl

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