Oops! Copied the numbers wrong. Here's are the numbers I meant
to type:

R> $onum     output
R> 4.166     4.12
  4.1166     4.12
R> 4.135     4.11
  4.1135     4.11
R> 4.000     4
R> 4.3000    4.3

R> Is that what you wanted? To me, it's much easier to code and use
R> than reg expressions and replaces.

R> Best regards,
R>  Randy   

R> Thursday, January 25, 2001, 1:10:18 PM, you wrote:

EN>> I need to format decimals that are percise to the second place in the
EN>> following format:

EN>> 4.00 to 4
EN>> 4.50 to 4.5
EN>> 4.25 to 4.25

EN>> As you can see, I just want to drop the trailing zeros, and if necessary the
EN>> decimal.

EN>> Thanks

EN>> ___________________________________
EN>> Ethan Nelson, Systems Administrator
EN>> Net Solutions, LLC
EN>> 840 Lawrence Street
EN>> Eugene, OR 97401
EN>> http://www.netsolutionsllc.com
EN>> Voice +1 541 345-7087
EN>> Fax   +1 541 485-5519

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