> Hi,
> I know this has been asked before but I can`t seem to get the archive email 
> thingy to work, basically I`m looking for a free or cheap editor that has the 
> lines numbered so that it`s a bit easier for me to debug my scripts.

You don't mention what platform you're working on, but who cares?

The only editor you'll ever need is gvim. Available for just about any
platform and looks and works the same on *nix and Windows (never tried
the Mac version).

It has: line counts, colour syntax highlighting for everything from Ada
to zsh (via php and MySQL), and auto-indentation for many languages.
It's either easy to use out of the crate or massively configurable (can
run its own scripts and macros). 

Most of the "for sale but cheap" editors are attempts to emulate gvim
which is Gpled charityware (Help Uganda!). Magic. I could live without
it, but I probably wouldn't write any code.

You need to download (I'm guessing you're using Windows?) (say) gvim 5.7
and the vim 5.7 rt (run time libraries) from the pc directory of

Happy coding and help Uganda.

Marx: "Why do Anarchists only drink herbal tea?"
Proudhon: "Because all proper tea is theft."

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