On Friday 02 February 2001 14:47, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> > So If possible I'd like to hear from the developers if
> > they have a TODO that includes such things for a 4.X
> > release?

> As for better OO.  I think many of the things people ask for, like
> visibility (public,private,protected) class properties, aren't actually
> features that add functionality, but more just convenience features
> that could be implemented in user space.

I disagree. Just as with strong typing (which I hope will be added to 
PHP5 (optional - see how it's planned for Perl6)), language-enforced OO 
visibility makes it possible that the *compiler* (interpreter) 
immediately catches a bug that could hide for ages otherwise.
Errare humanum est - conventions can't prevent mistakes.

> For example, you could establish a convention that said that any class
> property that starts with an _underscore should be considered a private
> property, and one would hope that your UML tool could be configured to
> understand that.

Christian Reiniger
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