Hi php users,

I found something strange and don't know if it is a bug or that it is the
way it should work.


  open_basedir = .

PHP-4 runs as apache module. (unix)
Safe-mode is on.

Webserver document tree:


There exists a link in that tree to the www directory of a user:

  /home/www/html/rvdberg  ->  /home/rvdberg/www

I have a PHP script in:


and a file:



When opening files in the current directory with PHP:

  $fp = fopen("./textfile.txt","r");

This gives an error complaining about the open_basedir setting not allowing
to open this file.

It all DOES work when I do the same thing in a directory which isn't
pointed to by a symbolic link! So, the same php file in the directory




What I want is clear I think: I only want the php scripts to be able to
open files in the current directory and further down in the tree.

Setting open_basedir to "." seems logical, but doesn't work.

Seems to be related to the symbolic link.

How to solve? Or should I submit a bug report?


    Remco van den Berg                           Admin/SO/helpdesk DSE      
      ICQ: 47514668         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         http://www.dse.nl/       

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