Hey everyone,

I just released phpdoc v2.0, which is a program used to document  PHP class
This version is a complete rewrite of v1.0, and takes a different approach
to creating

Where most other applications try to imitate Javadoc as much as possible,
this application actually does very little, because it actually uses Javadoc
to create PHP documentation. Since the Javadoc API is quite open, and since
my application is in Java, its a simple matter to plugin to the Javadoc
program. All my application does is parse a PHP class definition through the
use of regular expressions, and then convert that class definition from PHP
syntax to Java Syntax, then hand the converted source over to Javadoc. What
this means is that all the options and power of Javadoc is available to my
program, you can use any Javadoc option, doclet, @tag or whatever in phpdoc
and in your source and the resulting documentation will be no different then
if an actual .java file were passed to Javadoc. All is explained in greater
at my site, and in instructions I provide.

A final note, the library of Javadoc doclets are also open to you when using
phpdoc. For anyone
whom doesnt know, doclets are programs written in the Java programming
language that specify the
content and format of the output of the Javadoc tool. By default, Javadoc
uses the Standard doclet
which creates the .HTML formatted documentation were all used to. You can
provide any doclet
you wish however to customize the output however you like. The wealth of
third party doclets
available at the javasoft site allow you to create for example RTF, PDF, and
even Japanese based
API documentation.

You must have the JDK installed on your system (of which Javadoc comes part

You can download phpdoc v2.0 at

Thanks Everyone,


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