> I have this problem:
> I am using a script like this to make php use a remote proxy to get pages
using a remote proxy:

>   fputs($data1,"GET $myfiles/ HTTP/1.0\n\n");

> The problem is that i want to set the HTTP_USER_AGENT to something
different than a blank field, but have no idea how to do that.

Wild Guess:

You know how you need *two* newlines after that GET to make it go?
I think you can throw more stuff in there, and *then* the two newlines.
In other words, it's just like headers...

fputs($data1, "GET / HTTP/1.0\n");
fputs($data1, "HTTP_USER_AGENT spiderman\n");
fputs($data1, "\n"); #end of headers

This is purely wild speculation on my part, but it does make sense it would
work this way...

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