Below is my script and the output I got, I want DATE and EQUIPMENT TO BE

$message = "The following Webpage is added or updated:\n\n<B>Date:</B>
$date\n<B>Equipment:</B> $equipment\nTopic: $topic\nURL: $url";     
mail( $to, $subject, $message, $mail_header ) or print "Could not send

print ("<HTML>\n");

print ("<HEAD>\n");

print ("<TITLE>$title</TITLE>\n");

print ("</HEAD>\n");

print ("<BODY BACKGROUND=\"images/bkgrnd.jpg\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\n");   

****SEE what I got from output:

<B>Date:</B> Fri, February 2001 - 09:50:38
<B>Equipment:</B> General

Please advise how to fix it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hoover, Josh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 9:35 AM
To: Nguyen, David M; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] How to make text BOLD 

Could you send an example of how you're using the bold/strong tags in your
PHP code?  If we see it, we can probably help you out better :)

Josh Hoover
KnowledgeStorm, Inc.

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product marketing? 
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> I want to make my text BOLD using either <STRONG></STRONG> or 
> <B></B> but it
> did not work with PHP.  Can someone please advise why not or 
> if there is
> another way to do it.
> Thanks,
> David 

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