Sorry about that last E-mail!  Here is what I meant:

if (preg_match ("/(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/", $emailaddress) ||
        print "That is a valid e-mail.<BR>\n";
        print "Not a valid e-mail.<BR>\n";

The PHP archive can be found at:

Josh Hoover
KnowledgeStorm, Inc.

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> Does anyone know of a way to validate an e-mail address that 
> was entered
> and submitted from a form?  I would like to trap invalid syntax.
> Perhaps there exists a script that does just that?
> I assume valid syntax is the following:
> One or more characters before the @ sign, followed by an optional '[',
> then any number of letters, numbers,  dashes or periods 
> (valid domain/IP
> characters) ending in a period and then 2 or 3 letters (for domain
> suffixes) or 1 to 3 numbers  (for IP addresses).  An ending bracket is
> also allowed as it is valid syntax to have an email address like:
> user@[].
> Thanks,
> Don

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