On Wednesday 21 February 2001 18:42, Kenneth R Zink II wrote:

> > I was just reading at DevShed on how to use Regular Expressions, but
> now I'm even more confused.
> Can someone please explain how I would use a REGEX to determine in and
> uploaded file is a .gif or .jpg file?

if (preg_match ('/\.(gif|jpg)$/i', $filename, $matches))
  echo "Congratulations, it's a " . $matches [1] . "!<br>";
  echo "Wrong file type!<br>";


/.../  are the "regular expression quotes", i.e. the real expression is 
between these slashes

The "i" after them means "do a case insensitive match" (a "pattern 

\.(gif|jpg) means "match if the string contains a dot followed by either 
"gif" or "jpg""

The dot has to be escaped (prepended with a backslash) because a dot in a 
regexp has a special meaning: "match any char". The escaping makes it 
behave as a literal dot

The "$" means "here has to be the end of the string" (an "anchor")

=> the entire pattern means
"match if the string ends with a dot followed by either 'gif' or 'jpg', 
and ignore case for this"

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

I saw God --------- and she was black.

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