From: "Ian LeBlanc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am working on a site that has over 1000 pages and all the images need to
> be made lower case in the HTML.
> Here is what I have so far. Please someone tell me what I am doing wrong.
> $contents="<img src=ThisOneReallyNeedsToBeAllLowercase.gif
> alt=ThisOneReallyNeedsToBeAllLowercase.gif>";
> $contents =
> Output of $contents needs to equal
> <img src=thisonereallyneedstobealllowercase.gif
> alt=thisonereallyneedstobealllowercase.gif>

You need to use preg_replace which supports evaluating PHP code for the
replacement. To use preg functions you need to have compiled PHP with PCRE
(Perl Compatible Regular Expression) support.

This should do the trick (untested!):

    $contents = "<img src=ThisOneReallyNeedsToBeAllLowercase.gif

    $contents = preg_replace("/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.gif/e", "strtolower('\\1')
. '.gif'", $contents);


Simon Garner

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