>can someone please send me   mysql.sock
>( unix redhat 6.2 )
>i had a crash - reinstalled the rpm 3.22.32  but this file is missing

Unless I'm grossly mistaken, that file should only exist while MySQL is
actually running, and should contain the socket number that MySQL happens to
be using at the moment.

So, (A) their mysql.sock is not going to do you any good, and (B) it will
get created when you start MySQL, and (C) you really don't want to try to
change it by hand.

You may need to *delete* the old mysql.sock file, if MySQL didn't "know" the
computer crashed, and is complaining about that old one being there.  It's
basically just MySQL thinking that MySQL must already be running since you
have one of those files.

Or, you may just need to start MySQL to have a mysql.sock file show up where
you think there should be one.

Or, *maybe* the *path* where MySQL wants to store mysql.sock somehow got
trashed/changed during your RPM install, since it is configurable, and you
just need to create the directory where mysql.sock wants to live.  WARNING:
If you messed this up with your RPM, you may have also not told the new
MySQL install where your databases live.  Don't panic if you fire up MySQL
and all your databases are "gone".  You probably just need to configure
MySQL to look for the database files in the right place.

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