
I'm not sure, but isn't there a wrap function?

----- Original Message -----
From: Juan Germano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 6:29 PM
Subject: [PHP] Cutting long strings for tables

> Hi. I use this function with the strings I'll be showing in tables to cut
> strings too long without spaces.
> To make it clear:
> <table width="50"><tr><td><?=$str?></td></tr></table>
> The table will be 50px width if $str isn't too long. Let's say:
> $str="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
> The table goes to hell.
> So:
> function cut_text($res,$long=15,$max=20){
>     if ($max<=$long){$max=$long+2;}
>     $ant="";
>     while ($res!=$ant){
>          $ant=$res;
>          $res=addslashes($res);
>          $res= preg_replace ("/(\w){".$max.",}/im","'.substr
> '.substr (\\0,$long,strlen('\\0')-$long).'",$res);
>          $res=" return '$res';";
>          $res=eval($res);
>     }
>     return $res;
> }
> For example:
> $str="Hello Howwwwwwwwwwwww  arrrrreeeeeee yyyooooooouuuuuu";
> echo cut_text($str,7,10);
> Results in:
> Hello Howwwww wwwwwwww arrrrre eeeeee yyyoooo ooouuuuuu
> The idea is:  any word longer than 20 chars will split into a chunk of 15
> and a chunk of 5. If you have a 45 chars string, it will leave you with
> 20 and 5.
> It works fine with simple text, but with characters like  ", / , $,  etc.
> sometimes I have problems. I tried with quotemeta instead of addslashes
> the problem persists. Anyone have an idea?. If you want to test the code,
> just try with
>         Testing \" quotes
> Thanks in advance
> Juan I. Germano
> --
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