> Hi!
> I want my include-files not be seen from outside AND not be executed!!!
> I don't have access to a directory outside DOCUMENT_ROOT and I don't have
> .htaccess!!!
> I think about something like:
> 1.
> name: <file>.inc.php
> 2.
> add code:
> if ($PHP_SELF==MY_NAME) exit;
> as first line in the inluded script.
> so, if the script is being included from another script, the code will be
> executed - but if the file will be called directly, no code is executed!
> BUT - how do I get the include-file's name?
> or is it safe enough, to use something like
> if (substr($SCRIPT_URL,-8)==".inc.php") exit;

I'm not sure what is your $SCIRPT_URL is.
It could be not safe if user request like,


Since it is comparing last 8 chars and it is not using

If I were you, I will put

if (substr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME'], -8) == '.inc.php' )) {
   log_error('Bad request from '.HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    header('400: Bad Request');
//  header('403: Forbidden'); // You might use this header instead or
redirect to your own warning page.

If you can use $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, using it is safer.


Yasuo Ohgaki

> thanks
> michi
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