on 09/03/03 8:10 AM, Charles Kline ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> if(file_exists('cherpdocs/$annrow[id].doc')){
> echo "<br /><a href=\"cherpdocs/$annrow[id].doc\">Funding
> details paper</a>";
> }

This is a pretty simple debugging type query, so:

First things first, make sure that $annrow[id] is what you expect, by
echoing it to the screen.

echo $annrow[id] . "<br />";

Then your file_exists() line has to use double quotes, because you're using
a variable:


Or better still, clarify exactly what you want by using {braces} or .'s

file_exists("cherpdocs/" . $annrow[id] . ".doc")

Same applies to your echo line.

Summary, I think you can save yourself a little grief by making the
following changes to your code.  Personally, I prefer wrapping all vars in
{braces} if inside a string.  It also includes some minor debugging code, so
that you can hunt down the issue.

$file = "cherpdocs/{$annrow[id]}.doc"

if(file_exists($file)) {
    echo "<br /><a href=\"{$file}\">Funding details paper</a>";
} else {
    echo "The file {$file} did not exist";


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