I have a number of websites that are on a hosting company, that I have been
using for a year or so. Suddenly, this morning, all of the websites began to
have PHP script errors on scripts that have run without fail for a long
period of time. I think the server setup must have been altered this weekend
but do not know how to look for or prove this. Any ideas would be greatly

Here is the error you get when you try to load http://www.afgaonline.com


Warning: file(http://www.afgaonline.com/templates/tem4.tem) [function.file]:
failed to create stream: HTTP request failed! ¿¯wT in
/home/afgaonli/public_html/includes/Template.php on line 15

 --end paste --

The text that follows failed! above always changes.

Here is the code that is failing:

12    function Template ($template)
13     {
14       $this->template = $template;
15       $this->html = implode ("",(file($this->template)));
16     }

What should I look for?


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