The method I use is to take their user_id or email and create an HMAC
(hashed message authentication code) by hashing it with a secret key on
my end.  This way the activation link looks like the following:

THe activation script takes the user_id they passed in and hashes it
with the secret key again. The result should match the ID they passed. 
Easy and pretty secure.


Mike Walth wrote:
> Hello:
> What I am trying to do is to create a email verification routine with PHP.
> When people register on the site they will get an email sent to them with a
> link such as
> That way when they click on the link it will verify the code against the
> database and activate their account.  Does anyone know an easy way to create
> this string?
> Thank you,
> Mike Walth
> CinoFusion
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