
I was wondering if anyone could give me some idea to help me solve this
problem.  I am creating a KnowledgeBase for my company.  In this
knowledgeBase, the employees will input articles in the database.  I decided
to store it as such: a column for the title, a column for the content.  

I have a page that lets the employees input these aticles, and in my form I
would have a text box for the title and a text area that lets the user to
input the content.  And when the user press submit, the page will store
these information into the database.  

My problem is, for the text area.  Obviously the content of the aritcle is
going to be longer than one line.  However when I get the value of the text
area, everything the user typed in the text area becomes one line (unless
the user press enter but that isn't neccessary because once the text
approaches the edge of the text area it will automanticly take you to the
next line).  Because of that, me content is all in one line.  When I
retrieve this content and display it in a page, the content becomes a really
long one line paragraph.  I hope you understand what I am trying tto say.  I
was just wondering if there is any way I can fix this.  Right now I
basically wrote my own function, and it reads the content..and adds a <BR>
tag for every let's say 100 characters.....but that isn't too efficient coz
sometimes it can add the <BR> int he middle of a word, therefore it cuts of
the word.  Also if the user press ENTER somewhere in the textarea, then it
would crash this function.  I am just looking for a more efficient way of
solving this, can anyone give me any idea?



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