Here is essentially what view source yields.  I have to use <INPUT
TYPE="image" in order to have the image highlighted via client side code.
But from what I've read this is part of the html standard.

<B>1 - 50</B>
<FORM NAME="Second" ACTION="https://website/file.php"; METHOD="post">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="lstnumrows" VALUE="50">
<INPUT TYPE="image" NAME="pic2" ID="pic2" BORDER="0" SRC="Blankleft.gif">
<INPUT TYPE="image" NAME="pic3" ID="pic3" BORDER="0" SRC="Forwardu.gif"
onClick=document.Second.submit(); onMouseOver="change_it('pic3')"

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

-----Original Message-----
From: CPT John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 12:07 PM
To: Larry Brown; PHP List
Subject: Re: [PHP] table cell space under image in IE

> Has anyone had to address this problem before?  I've created a table and
> placed an image inside.  The image is around 12 pxl high and when the
> is displayed in Mozilla the cell border is up against the image on all
> sides.  On IE however, the top of the image is up against the cell border
> but the bottom has aprox 10pxl of space.  It is only there with the
> only under the image, and only in IE (I've only checked v6).  If anyone
> seen this and has an idea of how to fix it, PLEASE let me know.  I've
> setting cellspacing=0, cellpadding=0, and setting spacing to a range of
> sized to see the effect and the smallest size it will move to is approx
> 10pxls below the bottom of the image.  Very frustrating!

Do you have your code like <td><img></td> with no other whitespace? IE might
be displaying a space or whitespace for some reason, whereas other browsers
will ignore it.

> I know this is not exactly on topic but I produce all html by php and I
> don't want to go out and add myself to an html list (if there is such a
> thing).

Oh man... How horrible would that be?!? an HTML list???

---John Holmes...

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