
Friday, March 14, 2003, 10:36:50 AM, you wrote:
ED> Hi,

ED> I'm testing the last php5/ze2 snapshot for a future PHP application. I've
ED> a two line script[1] with domxml wich fail with ZE2 but succeed with ZE1.

ED> I know that ZE2 is in pre-alpha cycle (and domxml on a experimental state)
ED> and I'm not crying to have something functionnal but I've some questions :

ED> - is it a bug of a "should work but it is still experimental so it may be
ED> a bug" ? (and then I fill a bug in the bug database)

ED> - or is it a bug of a "we are working on port to ZE2" state ? (if yes :
ED> should I fill the bug in the database ?)

ED> - or simply a "not compatible and no work planned to make it compatible" ?

ED> This answer will help me to planify the tests and evolution of my
ED> application.

ED> Thanks.

ED> [1] script tested :
ED> <?php $doc = domxml_new_doc('1,0') ;
echo ($doc->>create_element('test'))?'succeed':'failed' ;

ED> -- 
ED> Eric

I think that should be     <?php $doc = domxml_new_doc('1.0') ;   //not 1,0


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