I finally got something to do it, at least, in inline code.

I couldn't figure out how to remove NULLS, anybody know? A search on:


didn't turn anything up.

// WORKING CODE FOR R-E-A-L-L-Y cleaning up a string, converting line
// to *nix, allows two \n's in a row for paragraphs.
// note, the perios in the echo statements show absence/presence of 
// ending white space

   $bad_str = "             \t\t\t\\r\\\r\r\r\r\n\r\nFour
schore               ...........and seven    \n\n\n\n\nr\r\r\rn\r years
ago, ,,,,,,,    ,,,,,,,our father created on tis planet
\t\t\t\\r\\\r\r\r\r\n\r\nFour ";
   echo( "\nuncleaned
   echo($bad_str );
   echo( ".\ncleaned
   $bad_str =  str_replace( "\x0D\x0A", "\x0A", $bad_str );
   $bad_str =  str_replace( "\x0D"    , "\x0A", $bad_str );
   $bad_str = ereg_replace( "\x0A\x0A+", "\x0A\x0A"   , $bad_str
);          // compresses run on line ends to double line ends
   $bad_str = ereg_replace( "[\x01-\x09]",    " "   , $bad_str );
   $bad_str = ereg_replace( "[\x0B-\x1F]",    " "   , $bad_str );
   $bad_str = ereg_replace( " +"      , " "   , $bad_str );          //
compresses run on spaces to a single space
   $bad_str = trim( $bad_str );
   echo( $bad_str );

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