On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 05:56:40PM -0600, Tom Woody wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Mar 2003 00:37:38 +0100
> Michael Cronstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I get the message:
> > 
> > Notice: Undefined variable: msg in 
> > F:\www-root\domain.com\website\script.php on line 202
> >
mate, this is not actually an error is a Notice, and the var $msg is not
defined when the script reaches the line 202. Since i dont know what are
you doing i can't help anymore.

Maciek Ruckgaber
> > whats wrong?
> Questions like this and you are asking for trouble... first off how are
> we supposed to help you with the problem if we don't know what is on
> line 202.  Are we supposed to be clairvoyent, or should we divine the
> answer from tea leaves.  Without the code, or at least the code around
> line 202 you are asking the impossible....  yes this would make me a
> troll...
> -- 
> Tom Woody
> Systems Administrator
> Don't throw your computer out the window, 
> throw the Windows out of your computer! 
> -- 
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