I'm gonna post this in some Microsoft list too, but I'm hopping someone here
might be able to help me out.  I have a few situations where users will need
to print from my app.  The browser they are using will be IE.  What I'd like
to be able to do is through some type of scripting remove the header and
footer on the page setup in IE.  I can do this manually, and get the result
that I want, but I need to be able to do it dynamically, without user
intervention, and have the settings change only occur for the page that is
being printed.  I've tried using other methods, like html2pdf, and it works,
but I can't bring over the proper formatting to the PDF file.  What I
specifically want to remove is the"&w&bPage &p of &P" clause that is in the
header and the "&u&b&d" in the footer of file->page setup in IE.  this is
what causes the page title and  page number to print on the top of printed
web pages, and the URL to print in the footer.

Thanks for any help you could give, or if you could point me to a better
place to discuss this I'd appreciate it.  Thanks :)

- Anthony

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