Ok, here's what I got.  I'm trying to create an entire site that grabs 
all it's information (Page content, titles, link info, etc.) from a 
MySQL database.  In this site I would like to have sub pages of master 
pages.  For instance, Page 1 is a master page, Page 2 is a sub page of 
Page 1, and Page 3 is a sub page of Page 2 which is a sub page of page 
one.  Now I would like to display this entire hierarchy if possible.  
Here's what I have but either I get an infinite loop or it doesn't work 
worth a damn....

$query="SELECT * FROM PageInfo WHERE PageID>'0' and PageID=$MasterPage 
do {
        if($count>0) {
                while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                        $VARS="$PageID ".$VARS;
                        echo "$PageID<br><br>";
//                      echo "$VARS";
        } else {
        $query="SELECT * FROM PageInfo WHERE PageID>'0' and 
} while ($MasterPage>0);
//echo "$VARS";
$PageIDs=explode(" ",$VARS);
while(strlen($PageIDs["$i"])>0) {
        $TheQuery="SELECT LinkText, FileName, LinkAlt FROM PageInfo where 
        echo "<font color=\"#000000\"><b><a href=\"$TheFileName\" 


My table structure looks like this....

| Field      | Type             | Null | Key | Default  | Extra         
| PageID     | int(40)          |      | PRI | NULL     | 
auto_increment |
| PageType   | varchar(6)       |      |     | master   |               
| LinkText   | varchar(20)      |      |     | linktext |               
| FileName   | varchar(30)      |      | PRI |          |               
| LinkAlt    | varchar(100)     | YES  |     | alttext  |               
| Contents   | longblob         |      |     |          |               
| MasterPage | int(11) unsigned | YES  |     | 0        |               
| Active     | char(3)          |      |     | yes      |               
| LinkOrder  | mediumint(9)     | YES  |     | 99       |               
9 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Thanks in advance...


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