
I am looking for a way to search a file knowing the beginig of his name. For exemple, I know that the file I am looking for is:
But I just know:
And I can't know _120.jpg

So at this time I did this:
$dirthumbs = $dir."/thumbs" ;
$direc_src_obj2 = dir($dirthumbs) ;
while($entry=$direc_src_obj2->read()) {
  if( substr($entry, 0, 15) == "$begining"){
    $return[$i]["thumb"] = "$entry" ;
    break ;
It works but it's not enough fast :-(

For resume, is there a way to do something like that:
ls montreal_000013*
without using the passthru function, I am looking for a native php function doing ls $mychar*


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