Guys I really need your help. How do I restrict users from changing data in
a textarea? I need to display data on a page so that users can edit it and
update the database. With the help of this mailing list I got it going but
now I am running into walls. Some of the data is sensitive and can't be
changed. But the only way I know how to display data
so that it can't be edited directly is in a normal table format or print.
After the specific data has been placed in table format and the rest in
textareas only those in textareas are being used in the mysql query, where I
actually need everything to be used. I have tried declaring global variables
for the variables displayed in table format but this is not working.

I have tried looking for solutions on the net and the php manual but can't
find anything. I know it is there but I am probably staring myself blind at
the solution. If you guys need me to include my code (embarrassing!!) just
let me know.

Your help will be greatly appreciated!


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