thanks, not sure how to do either of these...but I will look them up.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ernest E Vogelsinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 9:14 AM
To: Edward Peloke
Subject: Re: [PHP] what's the best way to handle this?

At 14:38 18.03.2003, Edward Peloke said:
>When a user 'registers' with our site, I want to generate their personal
>webpage for them.  Currently, I have a webpage where the contents are
>generated from their personal info in the db and I have a drop down to view
>client pages but it is just the same page but I pass in the clientid so it
>will display their data.  This is fine but I want the users to be able to
>tell others.."Visit my home page at  or something
>like that...I don't want them to have to say visit my page
>www.eddissite/client_pages?clientid=43  does that make sense?  Should I
>generate a folder for them with an index page that redirects then to the
>clientpage with their id?

You could either use Apache's mod_rewrite to rewrite the URL, or use an
ErrorDocument handler to deliver the correct page.

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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