Still working on this authentication script and have a small question. Each
page on the site needs to have one line of code on it so it can't be
accessed unless you log in - is there a way to have this line in an html
file without changing the extension to .php?

On the same note, there is a small script called Zoom Version 1.7.0 which is
a search engine that search's for content on your site, but the way they are
doing this alludes me. In the search.htm file there is a line -
<!--ZOOMSEARCH--> - which somehow inserts the results of your search. In the
results.php file this is the relevant code, but I'm not quite sure what's
going on here.

Any comments are appreciated.....

//Open and print start of result page template
$template = file ('search.htm');
$numtlines = count ($template); //Number of lines in the template
$line = 0;
while (! stristr ($template[$line], "<!--ZOOMSEARCH-->") && $line <
$numtlines) {
 echo $template[$line];
$line++; //Replace the key text <!--ZOOMSEARCH--> with the search result

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