> i have a table that contains articles. i have another table which
> contains  the order 1 - 9 that i would like to display them in.
> this part is done, and is not a problem. here is where I am not sure
> how to proceed.
> 1. tbl_display_order - can only have 9 records in it (or do i just
> ignore anything beyond 9?)
> 2. when a new article is added to tbl_display_order - it needs to get
> the field that contains it's order set to 1 so it shows up first when
> display the articles, and all the other articles need to have their
> order number incremented.
> Maybe there is a better way to do this? Just not sure. Maybe not with
> database at all?

Can't you just add a TIMESTAMP column, ORDER BY that DESCending, and
LIMIT to 9 results??

---John W. Holmes...

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