If your session id is not stored in a cookie (if url rewriting is on), then the $url page may not be getting your session id, and thus is starting a new, empty one?

Tony Bibbs wrote:
I'm wrapping up an MVC implementation for PHP. Everything is working splendidly except that redirects seem to be loosing session data. Here is the basic logic

1) on a form, user enters data hits submit
2) data validates OK, data is saved and $_SESSION['MVC_message'] is set to 'Save was successful'
3) After setting session data in step 2 above, a redirect is issued:
header('Location: ' . $url);
4) The URL represented by $url within same app doesn't have any data in $_SESSION and I'm positive a session_destroy() isn't being called explicitly.

The ideas here is to show a page with context information for the user.

Any ideas why this isn't working?

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