Hello friends.

I need to control the users viewing from one location so that when I change the URL 
string in a text file, the viewers page which has a timer automatically reads the URL 
on the text pages and goes to that page.

Updating the textfile is ok. But below is the script onthe page which I want to reload 
every 10 seconds and display the name of the new page and go there. 

There are two problems, when the page reloads, the PHP script that gets the new URL 
from the text file does not seem to run.

Can someone please tell me where I am wrong?

Thanks very much.



Print $currenturl;
Print"<form name=\"frmurl\">";
Print"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currenturl\" size=\"4\" value=$currenturl >";
Print "<input type=\"text\" name=\"clock\" size=\"4\">";

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
        var x = 10
        var y = 1
       var url= document.frmurl.currenturl.value;
     function startClock(){
        x = x-y
        document.frmurl.clock.value = x
        setTimeout("startClock()", 1000)
    //document.frmurl.clock.value = 10

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