At 15:50 24-3-03, you wrote:

I'm currently stuck in a project where I need to pull info from a
database and sort it by order of 2 seperate fields and creates a text
report of the results. No problems there but
now what the boss is wanting to do is break it up into slices of 8 records
per file and save each file individually so you get issue3page1.txt is the
first 8 results from the query and issue3page2.txt would be result 9-16 of
the query. Anything results less than 8 for the final recordset would
consitute 1 page as well.

Here's what Im using now.

well i would rebuild this structure in your code:

if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
do {
<your code for every record>
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result));

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result));
if (($recordcounter%8)==0) { fclose($fp);
$filename='issue3page'.(1+intval($recordcounter/8)) .'.txt';
$fp=fopen($filepath.'/'.$filename,'w+');//or whatever you had working
<your code for every record>

this is NOT tested so try to understand what i want to do:

if (!($recordcounter%8)): whenever $recordcounter is dividible by 8, $recordcounter%8 is 0, because there are no "remains".

intval($recordcounter/8): 1 when $recordcounter=8

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