
I've got a problem with the "=& new" construct. A code sample tells more
than 1000 words:


class foo {}

$g_fooInstance = null;

class factory {
  function factory() {
    global $g_fooInstance;
    if (is_null($g_fooInstance)) {
      $g_fooInstance =& new foo();   // <-- here's the problem
//      $g_fooInstance = new foo();  // <-- this works

function main() {
  $theFactory =& new factory();
  global $g_fooInstance;
  if (is_null($g_fooInstance)) {
    echo ('This isn\'t expected - why is it null?');
  } else {
    echo ('It works as expected');

// run

This code is running like that and demonstrates exactly the "weird"
Running this example, the variable $g_fooInstance is null in function
main(). But why? Is the reference to the constructed object descructed after
leaving the scope of function factory::factory()? Or in other words, are
locally created instances always destructed, regardless if there are other
references on the instance?
Is this a bug (the reference mechanism isn't working as expected) - or a
feature (locally created instances are immediately after leaving the scope)?
Maybe I've programmed Java too long...



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