Then append the id to the input name.

e.g. For the input form:

while (odbc_fetch_row($rs)) {
echo "<tr><td><input type=text name=myfield_".odbc_result($rs, "ID")." value=".odbc_result($rs, "MyFieldValue")."></td></tr>";

And to read the data:

while (odbc_fetch_row($rs)) {
$sql = "update MyTable set MyFieldValue='".$_REQUEST['myfield_'.odbc_result($rs, "ID")]."' where (ID=".odbc_result($rs, "ID").")";
odbc_exec($db, $sql);


Daniel Harik wrote:

Jim Lucas wrote:

This is untested, but I seem to recall doing something like this on a
project last year.

<form method='post' action='/process.php'>
<!-- row #1 -->
<input type=text name='row[0][id]'>
<input type=text name='row[0][name]'>
<input type=text name='row[0][company]'>
<input type=text name='row[0][title]'>
<!-- row #2 -->
<input type=text name='row[1][id]'>
<input type=text name='row[1][name]'>
<input type=text name='row[1][company]'>
<input type=text name='row[1][title]'>
<!-- row #3 -->
<input type=text name='row[2][id]'>
<input type=text name='row[2][name]'>
<input type=text name='row[2][company]'>
<input type=text name='row[2][title]'>
<input type=submit>

Thank you for your reply, but i'm pulling records from db, and
ids won't be 1,2,3,4......n, but more random.

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