Try using the command line sablot "sabcmd" to parse the xsl file and see
if you can get any info on the well-formness of the file.  If you dont
have the command line version I suggest downloading an application that
does xsl verification.

You could also send post the file so that we can review the xsl code.


On Fri, 2003-03-28 at 10:22, Benjamin Walling wrote:
> I'm trying to use the xslt_* functions, but I can't get any decent error
> messages out of them.  I've used the XML and XSL I'm passing it in IE, and
> it gets processed and transformed correctly.  The only error I get is:
> Warning: Sablotron error on line 1: XML parser error 4: not well-formed
> (invalid token) in C:\Websites\iStatus\test.php on line 16
> In the log, I get:
> Sablotron Message on line none, level log: Parsing
> 'http://localhost/Simple.xsl'...
> So, I have an error on line 'none'?  Can someone show me which line that is?
> My XML and XSL is processed correctly by IE, so what gives here?  How can I
> get it to tell me what it is having a problem with?  Without a line number
> or some context, there is no way I'll ever debug this!
> Using the following code:
>  $xh = xslt_create();
>  xslt_set_log($xh, true);
>  xslt_set_log($xh, getcwd() . '\sablot.log');
>  $args = array('/_xml' => $xml);
>  $html = xslt_process($xh, 'arg:/_xml', "http://localhost/Simple.xsl";, NULL,
> $args);
>  xslt_free($xh);
>  echo $html;

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