That's what I thought too, but it's not happening...fopen() is simply returning an error.


On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 09:35 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Assuming you are retrieving this file via http/https then it's really the remote server that will enforce the access control in whatever manner is uses. I.e., if your script tries to open a file whose access is controlled by a .htaccess file (and http-basic authentication) the user will simply get the authentication prompt when they access your page/php script.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: David Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, March 31, 2003 09:13:00 AM -0500
Subject: [PHP] accessing protected remote files

I have a script that needs to open a remote file on another Web
server, which may or may not be protected (for example, by an
htaccess file). What would be the best way to check if it's
protected, and if so, prompt the user for username and password to
open it?



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