Hi Philip,

Thanks for taking the time...

$me = "confused";

...but rather than attempting to get a grip on the past, I need a solution
for the future :)


1. turn ON runtime and gpc

2. only addslashes() when inserting into the database IF
get_magic_quotes_runtime() is 0 (false)

3. only stripslashes() when retrieving from the database IF
get_magic_quotes_runtime() is 0 (false)

Right so far?

Then I need to know how to fix up possible mistakes in the past.
What should I do to the current data in multiple tables which may or may not
have had the addslashes() "done twice".  Any one got some cool code???


on 03/04/03 6:43 PM, Philip Olson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Justin French wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can I just have a quick head check on magic quotes runtime (&gpc)?
>> I have them both set to Off currently, and my pages work fine.  However,
>> when I set them to on, I end up with slashes throughout the mysql data.
> This means you essentially ran addslashes() twice before
> insertion.  Don't do that.  You should never ever have to
> strip slashes from data already in the database.
>> Is this the expected behaviour?  Seems counter-intuitive to me, but I've
>> never really cared about it 'till today, because i've never had a problem!!
> No, only add slashes once.  Do this with a function like
> addslashes() OR do it magically.  Once.
>> What is a common setting for these two directives, so that I can have my LAN
>> server *reasonably* "normal".
> Defaults to on so I guess that's "normal".  See also
> get_magic_quotes_gpc()...
> Regards,
> Philip
> ---
> [This E-mail scanned for viruses]

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