Hi Alan,

Another solution is to use the HighlightParser that comes with phpDocumentor (http://www.phpdoc.org)


Alan McFarlane wrote:
I've been trying to add line-numbers to my source code, but can't seem to
work out how to do it.

As an example, I tried the following:


function addPrefix( $matches )
    static $line = 1;

    return $line++ . $matches[0];

$url = split("\?", $_GET['url']);
$source = highlight_file($url[0], true);
$source = preg_replace_callback("`\<br \/\>`U", "addPrefix", $source);

echo $source;


which is called whenever the use user on a link like <a
href="show-source.php?url=index.php">Show Source</a>

The problem is that my regex does not correcly match the lines.

Anyone got any bright ideas?

Alan McFarlane

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