Im new to PHP coming from a background in perl devlopement.  I have a form that a user 
can fill out.  

On submit the values are iterated over a foreach to check for empty().  If the an 
emtyp $key is found then it passes an error string to my error function.  

I have 2 php files, one that is the Form called profile.php and one that processes the 
values from the form, called profileprocess.php.  There are multiple functions in 
profileprocess.php.  When the header function is called in the profileprocess.php it 
takes you back to the profile.php with empty values in the fields.  I was wandering if 
their is a way, (which Im sure their is) to pass back all the data that was correctly 
entered back to the form, and then a nice little message that displays the error of 
the data that needs to be checked by the user.  I could do this a number of ways, but 
the key is not writing code that you dont have to.  Its just smarter programming.  

Any ideas, or functions I could read on in the rtFM manual is greatly appreciated.  

I appreciate you looking at this problem...
Thanks in advance,

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