
well, there are a lot of articles on the internet...
however, i bought a book... it really helped a lot! :)

there are so many things, developers can do worng, but here is a listing of
the most important ones:

but the most important thing you can do is to check very varaible for bad
with some special chars you can manipulate SQL-queries, open otherfiles (on
the local system OR even on remote systems) or even execute some nice
(you can avoid such attacks, if you've set register_globals to Off)
if you include a page in your securityhole1.php via http get/post vars:
make sure, the users can't enter something like this:

the second important thing is to set the variables you need to a specific
value, before you start using them, so that the users can't do something,
they shouldn't do by setting the variable to a value by a get/post request:
i.e. securityhole2.php:
if ($password=="topsecret") $showstuff ='yes';
....some more code here....
if ($showstuff=='yes') echo "well done..."; else echo "hahahahaha... you
can't read this! hahahahaha....";
in this case you can access secret information by using the following url:

it also quite important to check numbers for their value (are they too high
/ low)...
i made the experience, that you can slow down a webserver a lot, if you send
multiple requests with number values that lead i.e. to an infinite loop...
although php terminates the scripts after X seconds, it gives you the
possibility to run a lot of php scripts simultaneously! :)

Try to protect php scripts, which you don't need to access directly,  i.e.
with .htaccess files...
store your libaries/templates in a directory and protect them with a
.htaccess like this:
----BEGIN OF .htaccess sample---
order deny,allow
deny from all
----END OF .htaccess sample---

there are also some important facts about file uploads... but for now, it's
quite late (3:15 in the morning...) and i'm quite tired...

there are even some more problems, especially by using the session

i hope, this helps to fix the main security holes...

C ya and goood night to all of you... =0)

- Marco Weber -

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