Just noticed a small glitch in the attach() method - check_object will not
be called for the first object. Use this attach() / check_object()
implementation instead. The "var $class" instance variable of CTeeObject
can be omitted.

function attach(&$hObj) {
        if (!$this->check_object($hObj))
                return false;
        $this->arObj[] =& $hObj;
        return true;

// override this method in your derived class
// for additional class checks
function check_object(&$hObj)
        // if this is the first object, simply accept it.
        // for all successive objects make sure they have
        // the same class (or at least derived from).
        if (is_object($hObj))
                return (!count($this->arObj) || is_a($hObj,
        return false;

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035
    ^     http://www.vogelsinger.at/

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