Simply trying to use regular expressions to validate a 5 or 5+4 zip code, excluding 00000 and 00000-0000. Looked on, and that's where I found the pattern below, but it doesn't work. The best I can do on my own is two separate regular expressions, one to match a valid zip, and another to match the 00000 invalid code. I would really like to condense it into one, just because I think it should be possible.
This code below is suppose to do all this for me, but it's not matching as I'd hoped. I get results like this:

21832-1234 MATCHES.
00000-0000 MATCHES.
00000 MATCHES.
1234 doesn't match.
ABCDEF doesn't match.
ABC doesn't match.

I'd appreciate any help.  Thanks,


$regex1 = "/^(\?(^00000(|-0000))|(\d{5}(|-\d{4})))$/";

$zips = array("21243","21832-1234","00000-0000","00000","1234","ABCDEF","ABC");

foreach ($zips as $zip) {
        if (preg_match($regex1,$zip)) {
                echo "$zip MATCHES.<br>";
        } else {
                echo "$zip doesn't match.<br>";


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