Hi, I have written an MP3 Jukebox server with PHP and MySQL, that runs on Linux server with Apache. To play music, I use the external program "plaympeg" from the SDL package. It works fine, but I cannot have any control over the player. To play the next song, I have to wait for the player to complete its current task and can then start a new player. This creates some pause between the songs, and is a bit annoying.

To make my app more suffisticated, I'd like to be able to have more control over the stream. So I was wondering, how can I send something to the audio device without using an external program? I think I need to convert the MP3 stream first.

Is there someone out there who would be interested in joining me in this little project? (If I may compliment myself, it is a nice piece of work, but needs some more scripting....)
Contact me directly per email, if you want me to send the sources.

Any input would be appreciated.

Cheers, Edwin

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