----- Original Message -----
From: "Emma Jane Hogbin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 4:21 PM
Subject: [PHP] solved Re: [PHP] sessions, IE and pop-up windows

> On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 03:56:28PM -0600, Kevin Stone wrote:
> > I still believe what's happening is the edit script is being executed
> > the parent script has died.  Are you doing some kind of looping
> > process or something that's keeping the parent script from exiting?
> No. In fact I have explicitly closed the session at the end of the page
> with a session_write_close(); This is called as the very last line on the
> page (even after the </html>).

Calling session_write_close() at the end of the script will do nothing of
consiquence if you launch the edit script before the function is called.
You end up with the same "page not found" error.

> > You need to avoid this situation by -> killing that parent script<-
> > the edit script is launched.  You can ensure this with output buffering
as I
> > suggested before.  Becuase you're controlling the output there won't be
> > button to press until the parent script has died.
> What ended up working was passing the session ID to the pop-up window
> "manually" by including it in the function (and thus the URL).

I just don't see how this could have solved your problem except to do the
same thing that output buffering would have done and that is to
(essentially) queue the execution of the two scripts.  Anyone care to
explain this?

*gnashing his teeth* :D

- Kevin

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